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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Good call. Yay, extra innings! We're so good in them.
  2. Angels will score one in the ninth and leave the tying run on third.
  3. I imagine cocaine would be great for pain.
  4. But you are discussing another human being.
  5. This off-season just got a lot more interesting.
  6. ...watching a game with two fewer strikeouts for the Angels.
  7. Fair enough. You could also argue that since we aren't playing for anything, why risk sending him back out there? I don't necessarily agree with the move but I understand it.
  8. Heaney is an established starter. Sandoval is a rookie who perhaps is up too soon.
  9. I thought this was just a status update.
  10. Is spelling it Luiz the equivalent of Eriq?
  11. Why do we have so many pitchers who get wild as soon as there is a runner on base? So many wasted pitches.
  12. I still ain't sayin' nuthin'!
  13. By my calculations, to contend next season the Angels will need to: 1. Sign a front-line SP 2. Sign/trade for a #2/3 SP 3. Sign/trade for a catcher who can hit at least a little bit 4. Hope La Stella can return to pre-injury form 5. Hope Middleton is fully recovered and sign/trade for another solid BP arm. 6. Hope Ohtani can pitch well. 7. Hope a few young starters progress. All of this while the teams ahead of them will also be trying to improve. History tells us we will also have injuries to deal with.
  14. Team 0-4 with RISP, and Upton has already left 5 runners on base (3 for Ohtani). Not to go all AZMancini, but...Melvin.
  15. Shouldn't have signed him to that long-term deal. He's gonna be the next Pujols.
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