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Everything posted by Vlad27Trout27

  1. Well the yankee hitters are actually working counts, unlike us! our hitter ( beside Trout and Simmons) just go up there to pull every single pitch thrown!!
  2. ohhh gosh yesterday it was AJ, today it's Mendoza........booooo!!!
  3. I'm more embarrassed at how we've played the past 2 week than angels stadium becoming yankee stadium with all those bandwagoners!!!! 3-8 while be outscored by who know what is the real disappointment.
  4. Good old friend howie Kendrick is hitting over 300 with 4 hrs......
  5. Just found this: It's a small sample so can't really say much. But kinda of surprised at martin defense so far.
  6. I did! So far Pujol's number are pretty similar to last year! !But i'm trying to figure out now, is what the heck happened to his BB rate. 2.7 % for him, like really!!
  7. I agreed and we need a change!!. Pujol's has been the same typical below average hitter since last year. But, he'll be in the Line-up Cozart has not been a bright spot so far, but he's 4/11 (363) last 3 games with 2 double's and 1 hr. Hopefully he's coming around. Upton i have no idea what happen to him, he was hitting over 300 like 2 weeks ago. Calhoun and Maldonado have been trash so far Kinsler i was hoping last year was a fluke, but so far doesn't Valbuena just a another pujols, both his Hrs, but they have low averages and ObP...
  8. add Canning to my list, guy has potential top of rotaion stuff and this start showed that!!! if needed he could be up by some point in summer!!
  9. i think it could be both. also the more I look at out pitchers starts, it could be maldo pitch position. just today I've noticed he called a lot of pitches to the corners. one thing I've notice from last year, was that pitchers worked better with Juan than Maldo, Juan made people our pitcher attack the hitters while MALDO like to nible on the corners. I remembered looking at Noslacos era last year and when Juan was catching his ERA was around 3.7ish with maldo it was in the 6s. I haven't checked with our other starts so maybe it was Just Noslaco than again ive people questio ning Maldo pitch calling....
  10. quick question regarding Canning, haven't seen him pitch this year but does he still have the same delivery he had back at ucla or is it smooth? Not going to lie his college delivery scared me, felt like there was a lot of stress on his arm similar to how I felt about Hanson.
  11. I'd rather have a guy that can gets hits and is on base,than someone that worries about getting the perfect bat flip.... damit he just had to get those hit!!!! but he's just another pujol's, with his low average and Obp. but just a lot cheaper than pujol's.
  12. any one other than Nobuena. we have an option in house right now!! but nope we continue to see bat- flip boy.....
  13. The guy has been an embarrassment since day 1, I don't really see the reason to keep him, when we have JMF just waiting in Triple -A and Marte with the hot bat!! JMf is the perfect guys to have in our line-up, he doesn't strike-out that much, has a similar walk rate to K rate, and has power. He's not strong defensively but he's at-least average at 1st and 2nd while Kinsler and Marte can handle 3rd if needed to. He's a guy you could put in front of trout and move the line up down, this way at-least we'll have a guy on base for trout to drive in while also working the counts. 2nd give Rene more bats until Maldo can figure it out. Below are JMF stats.
  14. I think the problem could be him just being a 2-pitch pitcher now. Don't know if it's fear of hurting himself again but he's stopped throwing his curve. During the 2014 season he had that pitch mixed in with his slider and fastball and it was filthy. Now he just doesn't throw it that much and just lives of the Fb and Slider, there really good pitches but there are two problems associated with this: 1. both are hard pitches, 90-98. Hitters Know that it's only hard stuff that's coming so Richards need to live of his command or on that filthy movement of his slider. Buy the problem is that he's not a command pitcher and when is slider hangs it's hit hard. 2. Without his curve, he can change speed to keep the hitters off balance. He thru one curve today and it was to Gardner and he couldn't even lift his bat. He needs to start incorporating that pitch back into his arsenal to both lefties and righties for him to be effective.
  15. Don't worry the youth movement is coming soon. Canning just was part of a no-hitter in double A, has front of the line potential and may be up by the September . Guys like Barria, Castillo and Suarez have the potential to be 3s!! Than there are guys like Crod, Soriano and Rivera futher away but they have the highest upside beside Canning in our system. On the offensive side: He's not technically a prospects but JMF is making noise in triple A. Jone and Marsh are about a year or a year an half away from arriving to Anaheim while Thasis, Ward, Hermosillo, Rivas Fletcher could be starter or Utility right now or close to.
  16. ohhh man Richards Velo on his fastball and slider are down this inning.
  17. ohh my he actually throwing his curve and it was a beauty!! I think I just had an organism........
  18. key for Richards tonight is going to his Curve!! If he actually throws it and command it's, look out Shanks this game is already over!!!
  19. The BP has been one of our best resources! its 5th in the AL and 11 in the entire Mlb. What, has hurt us is the overuse of the BP!!! If we need to we can easily add a arm by the trade deadline.
  20. I know that these guys are struggling but there defense has saved so many games for us. Calhoun allowed save 4 to 5 runs from scoring last game, Cozart save that game in Houston. Last night we had the game in our hands but just could not close it out. Both Cozart and Calhoun have been try to pull everything they see, Cozart early on was going right field really well. Key to these guy is for them to be going right to center field. Cozart actually got screwed on a few of his bats last game but he's 3- 7, with 2 double in his last 2 games against really good pitch and he going to right filed. Hopefully he's picking up.
  21. It's only April and he did miss some games. If he continues to struggle we have JMF in AAA waiting. I'm personally worried about good old Nobuena and the fact he's getting more playing time compared to Marte, who's on fire these past week!
  22. I believe its only a better of time, once Marsh gets promoted to 66ers, Guys has been on fire: really good BABIP, Improved on the one thing that we all believed he should have and that is is BB rate, The strike-outs are going to be part of his game. Depending on how he does on in 66ers, Marsh could be on the fast track to the majors at 21. If marsh continues to excel at inland and by next year he could be in Double-A and if he has similar success could get a taste of coffee. He looks like he's going to be a major league just looking at his bats at spring training, his defense he ready to handle the job!! He a top 100 prospect be mid season! Leonard Rivas similar to Marsh could get promoted soon, he's shown really good BB and K rates and the BABIP has improved. Could be a starting second baseball or SS or at least a backup. Jones is getting hot in inland, its only a matter of time before he gets promoted, has shown a nice BB to k rate while showing power and speed, once Jones get's promoted, Rivas is at inland!
  23. Kowar is my pick, Potential front of the rotation stuff and i really love that mid 90s Fb with that Plus change. He a guys that could move fast through a system. If we decide to take the high school way: Rocker, Winn or Harkins could be interesting picks!!
  24. I'm excited about Crod, unfortunately he's hurt. But, your looking at solid four pitch arsenal, that range from plus to above average and good commands. Keep an eye on Jose Soriano, I've heard positive things about him this year. Most disappointed has to the 8 million boy Baldoquin, we could have gotten Vlad Jr if it was for Baldoquin.
  25. So did Anderson change something this off-season? guy's hitting 99 with a good slider!!
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