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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Tank


    if we're talk about dudes with manes blowin' in the wind, gene carr of the kings in the mid 70s was THE MAN. mactavish was a punk. couldn't stand that manslaughtering clown. i played my entire college career without a helmet. got hit in the face once with a puck. it came to me tumbling, like it was in slow motion. hit me right in the lip, which swelled up to the size of a small midwestern town for about a week. wasn't terribly painful, but was always very thankful it wasn't from a slap shot. got hit by my eye once playing street hockey from some idiot who was trying to dig a hockey ball out of the grass with this crazy wild shovel motion. another inch to the left and i would have been severely injured. came out of it with a couple of stitches and a shiner.
  2. when they cover one of the majors in golf, that's the most i'll watch espn for the entire year, by a longshot. that is, until they put that gasbag chris berman on. glad my generation invented the mute button. same goes for the home run derby. berman used to be such a fun guy to watch. i have no idea what happened to him, or if maybe all of us wised up to his shenanigans.
  3. this should be the greatest channel in america, but they've turned it into a piece of crap. i really hate the way they've pissed all over hockey. hardly cover it anymore. so much time and emphasis on college sports and the nba. it's so unwatchable. it's like meeting a friend from college and all they can talk about is the same two or three stories - that's what SC is to me these days. and i'm really exhausted with all the experts opinions stuff they do - hour after hour after hour. hardly ever tune in anymore. and when i do, slap myself for being a moron and quickly turn the channel, then slap myself again.
  4. i had nothing to do with it. i can't vouch for lou and his whereabouts today.
  5. so, st1ck, you had a mail order bride? awesome.
  6. steve martin did a great send up of many classic film noir movies with "dead men don't wear plaid". he shot it in black and white and spliced in several scenes from several of those old black and white classics. if you haven't seen it, you need to rent it. besides, rachel ward is in it. oh my.
  7. what a strong game last night by everyone. and what a perfect night to giveaway hats. nashville is one of those teams that always gives the kings fits, so this was a very good win.
  8. translation: we're going to pay our servers a competitive wage (if they were working in thailand) but expect you, the customer, to make up the difference just because, regardless of quality of service. and then, if you don't tip enough, we'll berate you and/or try to make you feel guilty for being a cheap son of a gun.
  9. The comments are always my favorite part of these. "So how long since you've seen your children?"
  10. Detention would be my guess.
  11. So that was you? Sorry for being so upset that day. Hope you're better now.
  12. So you hate Mancini and Blarg? That's kinda harsh, dude.
  13. If the Nile turns to blood, watch out.
  14. Looks good but could probably use a little horse to really round out all the favors.
  15. okay, but nobody else is allowed to claim any or the three of us will get less. and ultimately, that's the most important thing in all of this.
  16. if they play the same number of games, i gotta go with crosby.
  17. can you see nicklaus, bob goalby, ken venturi, and julius boros doing something like this? it's awesome that these guys are doing something so hilarious and throwing cash to a charity in the process. impressed that they're not taking themselves so seriously.
  18. that's crazier than dennis rodman becoming pals with the north korean (benevolent) dictator.
  19. my complaint about the Bible is that because so many people know the story, it's not really a wise idea to deviate from it. a few errors with Abraham and Isaac (isaac was 20 when abraham was asked to sacrifice him, not ten; they took two servants with them and left in the middle of the night so sarah wouldn't know; it was a three day journey to get to mount moriah, not simply over the next couple of hills). wish they would've shown the story of joseph. one of my favorites in the old testament. as for the vikings, it has potential. the conflict between the king and the main character (who's wife is surprisingly horny) could be a lot of fun to watch.
  20. that was really beautiful, man. i'm sure mancini will be touched.
  21. yes, i went there. one of my earliest favorite players (he was a lefty and i thought that was pretty awesome), plus he was on an episode of the brady bunch. stop judging me.
  22. i was really going to relish all the food jokes this season. oh well.
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