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Everything posted by Dtwncbad

  1. I am afraid of Darvish. We haven't done very well buying "stars" away from Texas.
  2. I get that. But since I am quite sure the Angels will not be in the World Series, that doesn't make me care who is in the game or who wins.
  3. It's an exhibition. It doesn't matter. It's for marketing. It's for kids. And the biggest point is it is an All STAR Game. Star is the key word. Derek Jeter was not often the best shortstop in the league but he was a huge STAR. If there was one "All STAR Cast" movie made every year, I doubt anyone would be complaining that it wasn't a perfect representation of the greatest actors. I literally could not care less personally who is on that team. My kid wants to see Trout vs. Harper. Keep it simple. It's stars. It's for the kids.
  4. I heard he is healthy he is just making sure he has his "stuff". He was recently spotted at Smoke and Mirrors Depot.
  5. I would take a bucket of sunflower seeds.
  6. Actual financial analysis says Bonilla gave up a tremendous amount of upside to have a fair return. It is just mathematically incorrect to look at this deal as "stupid" foe the Mets. The Mets (And lots of other financially savvy individuals) can easily do better than 8% with that money, including in a close ro zero interest bank deposit environment. This very easily defended as a win for the Mets. . .if you take the time to use actual financial analysis and resist the fun of poking ridicule at the Mets with a glance analysis. http://www.businessinsider.com/mets-bobby-bonilla-deal-smart-2015-7
  7. It's terrible nit picking and petty but his practice half swing with cocked wrists at the plate setting up to hit is annoying.
  8. Keeping it food related: We have had plenty of Scioscia. As if he himself has been an all you can eat buffet and we are all slumped over in a red leather booth stuffed to our gills fighting the onset of a food coma after 17 seasons of eating the same old dishes. That one serving of Calamari Steak in 2002 was good though, I will admit that. No I am not looking forward to getting back in that same food line again. I can't even taste it anymore. Maybe it's good but the reality I am sick of it and not enjoying it so it doesn't matter if someone tells me it's good. Please, please can we go to another restaurant?
  9. Don't anybody misinterpret that I am pulling for him to fail. . . I want him to be good. Just concerned that late bloomers often don't really make it. And this guy was a first rounder. Unfortunately he is one of the people that get notived in terma of the Angel farm system shortcomings of late.
  10. I'm not ignoring it. He is hitting well. The question us what is more likely? We just lucked into Josh Donaldson? Or. . .I've seen lots of guys at 25 or 26 "click" at AAA and prove to be someone that just can't make that last jump? What is unfair or out of context in my concern? (And subsequent lack of peeing my pants optimism with this guy)
  11. What is out of context? We all know the conversion from pitcher. You still have to compete. He isn't 20 yrs old. His top ranking was about #60 and that was in 2012, when he probably got a lot of points for the "context" of being a converted player. Now many years later, in a wider context he is nowhere to be found on top prospect lists. Why? I think the answer is context. 25 yr olds that finally start hitting in AAA normally are tweeners. That's the analysis from a fair context. But you can massage his history any way you want if you want to maintain your optimism. That's up to you. But I am pretty sure my opinion doesn't have a context problem.
  12. Almost 3000 at bats in the minors, with a .264 average and lots of other pedestrian yawning stats.
  13. True. Let's see what he has. Did he make an adjustment that will translate to success at the majors or is this AAA success either a fluke or that even more depressing reality that some players at 25 or 26 have accummulated enough baseball experience to thrive at AAA but dont have the talent for the majors. It's hard to not still acknowledge that this guy is a lifetime .260 hitter as a pro. . . I want every Angel prospect to "find it" and be a star, but my optimism for this guy is smothered and squashed by his large sample history.
  14. I apologize. I couldn't find an image of a blind squirrel that found a pile of nuts.
  15. And somewhere out there a guy named Pitchmaker hurt himself making shoes.
  16. No criticism. . .he is a great trade target. Run of the mill Angel fans would be checking his numbers in the minors in anticipation.
  17. I can't see how Maybin would get us Vlad Jr. But I will say the Angels would probably value Vlad Jr more than probably any other team since this organization is so desperate to have a player in the minors to look forward to. Having that hometown name rising here would be a great plus for the organization. Definitely worth checking into but I think getting him for Maybin is a pipedream.
  18. My guess is this detail was covered long ago at the time of signing. I would bet they have agreed he gets every penny regardless of exit year. That's my guess and it comes from believing there is no way on earth the Angels every believed he would be productive through age 42 and that length of contract was simply financing.
  19. Fair question. And quick disclaimer. . .I don't pay attention to everything 24 7 like I did years ago so it could be under.my nose and I dont see.it. But here is my answer: I think the subject of him managing his own exit from the game should be an openly discussed subject. Asking pointed questions about how much he has considered how to do it and the timing and whether he would likely announce his last season or keep it to himself. . .all those respectful angles in the context of "what does the final chapter of this great book look like?" As I said maybe those answers are there and my schedule and check in habits have kept me from seeing it. I am just a fan more interested in knowing the answer now more than ever and that is almost entirely because his level of production has, for me, brought the subject into focus now.
  20. And if he were 4 for 250 would it be appropriate to ask? If the answer is yes, then we only disagree that he is bad enough right now to ask, not whether or not it is ridiculous to ask.
  21. Well you might be starting to get it. I am one of Jeff's customers professionally.
  22. I agree and this what I am talking about. Smart people in the organization should probably be working on "helping" Albert decide an actual plan. Like get your 3000 hits in 2018 and be on a farewell tour.
  23. No thanks. I don't really need your approval.
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