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Posts posted by stanick88

  1. 19 minutes ago, Tank said:

    what happened to simmons?

    Trapped his shoulder in the ground as he dove for a grounder and rolled over on his shoulder. He laid there a for a bit. But when the trainers came out he kept saying he was ok as he kept moving his shoulder around. It looked bad on the replay. But he was moving the shoulder around ok a just a minute or two afterwards,  and he had a smile on his face. So I do not know, It could go either way.  scioscia then took him out of the game. That about sums it up, as anything past that is speculation. Hoping for the best though.  

  2. I also have a dream that we sign Moose as our 1b/DH/3b partner with Cozart, Puljos, and Ohtani; and replaces Valbuena altogether on the roster. That would be expensive though as essentially we would be having to pay moose’s Salary and Valbuena”s just to have whatever upgrade Moose brings over Valbuena. But I do admit. Moose is a better defender (at third anyways) and hits for power probably better than Valbuena. Especially now that we lowered right fields wall. May be if we can get someone to take on the rest of Valbuena for a failing prospect. Even if we have to eat a million or two of his salary. That may pave the way for moose. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Scotty@AW said:

    He wasn't drafted by Dipoto.

    There are a ton of prospects I just don't trade right now, no matter the return.  

    Adell, Marsh, Barria, Canning, Maitan, Hunter Jr...

    It isn't that they're untouchable as much as those guys are just going to get better and better and we'd be selling low.

    I would add Jones and Chris Rodriguez to that list. But I would not say, “ I wouldn’t trade them regardless of the return.” I just would not trade them for a player like Odorizzi. I would may be include them for a chris archer or manny machado. Or higher type player. But I am hesitant to trade them for a player that may or may not be better than the pitchers we have now. It would have to be for a player that is head and heels better than what we have and is cost controlled. I feel some of  our prospects are so young and have so much potential that they continue to rise the prospect rankings. And will gain even more value in just a year or so. 

  4. But either would help our team. But I just don’t think the second round pick along with spending up to the tax is worth the potential improvement. I’d much rather spend just a bit more and get Darvish (not attached to a pick). As Darvish would put us over the top I think and allow more flexibility in working out our pitching staff, allowing someone to slide into the pen and/or be traded for another piece. 

  5. On 1/24/2018 at 11:55 PM, Dave Saltzer said:

    Did you read the date of the injury in that article? Now look at this and pay attention to the date https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.mlb.com/159233076-mlb-issues-recommendations-on-netting.amp.html


    Having a recommendation by MLB to extend the netting, and having many clubs agree and follow the recommendations makes all the difference in the legal world for teams that don't follow the recommendation. That guideline by MLB established what is reasonable, and any club not following it is being unreasonable. Any half-witted 1L (well, they all are half-witted, so, should I say quarter-witted?) could win a verdict after that recommendation came out. 

    Exactly. Any 1L in law school torts class would know this  would likely establish a duty from the stadium/team to put up netting . And not putting netting would be a breach of that duty. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    I apologize sincerely if that was not the road you were going down.  Lots of times somebody who happens to have seen a guy play twice comes into this type of conversation with that lead and then proceeds to tell everyone who hasnt seen the player play why their opinion is worthless.

    If that's not the case here, I retract the attitude.

    I said I am pulling for him.  I just think it wasn't a good pick where he was drafted.  What about that opinion needs to be policed (by another fan) for accountability? 

    It was not my intention to tell you that your opinion does not matter. In fact i think the opposite and I value yours and everyone else’s opinion. Because I actually agree with you that picking Ward in The first round was not the smartest move (excluding the potential reasons of slot value money and him signing for under so we had more slot pool money). I was literally just taking your wording and seeing if you meant exactly what you said.  It was an ass move of me and I apologize for being the word police. And I have never see ward play in person. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    I am not now, and have never been, a professional scout.

    My comment and perspective comes from a fan following prospects.

    Why I have to clarify that is somewhat puzzling.

    But let me guess.  You have seen him play right?  Well then you opinion of him means so, so much more than mine.

    To you.

    Ummmm. No need to get your panties all in a bunch there sir. I am just holding you accountable for what you say. That is all. 

  8. On 12/9/2017 at 1:20 PM, Dtwncbad said:

    Well except you can always find an example of a player in the past to fit a narrative.

    I am not pulling against this guy.  Just saying I haven't seen anything yet that justifies his draft spot, and I am starting to notice the relationship between age and level mastered isn't really very impressive.

    Will he be a major leaguer?  Yes likely.

    Will he ever be someone you are not trying to upgrade from?  Questionable.

    Have you even seen him to play? You stated that “you haven’t seen anything yet that justifies his draft spot.”  Have you seen him or any other prospect actually play? Or are you relying on stats, numbers, opinions, and highlights that other post and share? 

  9. To me, Trout is by far the best player to ever don an angels jersey. The way he is so humble and not attention seeking is one of the qualities that make him who he is, and adds to his mystique.  If there is one player in the history of baseball that I would want to start a franchise with,  that would be Mike Nelson Trout. He has the chance to be the greatest player of all time. 

    With thay that being said.  BIG DADDY VLADDY is the most exciting player I have ever seen. From his nose to his toes was his strike zone. And when he unleashed that cannon, ohhh man that was a spectacle To see. Vladdy to me is one of the most exciting players in all of baseball history, and one of the greatest. He should have been a first ballot hall of Famer, and I hope he goes in with an Angels Hat on his head. I am just happy to say I got to watch his love for the game almost every night for a few years. Man what a treat it was.  

    I only have Two authentic Angels jerseys, and both are #27. One says Guerrero on the back and the other Says Trout. That’s says it all. The two greatest Angels of all time. And my two favorite players of all time. What a treat Angel fans have had in watching #27’s take the field. I can’t wait for the day that #27 Guerrero/Trout get retired and placed in Angels immortality forever. 

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