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Posts posted by stanick88

  1. 2 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

    Don't trade for any rentals, Billy.    Hope Ohtani's arm is fine for 2019, although an innings limit of about 120-140 innings will still need to be in place, after going through this for TWO seasons now.  

    This is why you play for today and not for the future only.  Anyone can get hurt, nothing is guaranteed. Anything in the future is nowhere near certain. Play for now while also having a plan in place for tomorrow. Do both at the same time. 

  2. I am sorry guys. But I am not panicking. Yes we are a worse team without Ohtani. But you know what. Every team has significant injuries. The Mariners took off after Cano and Gordon got hurt. We can try and take positives from this. Now we can have Pujols focus on DH, we can get an impact bat who can play 1b or someone like moustakas where we can have more roster flexibility. We can go back to a 5 man rotation and bring ina bullpen piece and we can contend. Hell may Be we even go after a Bumgardener or DeGrom or Syndergaard. Your guys’s Pessimism SUCKS. AND I REFUSE TO LET IT BRING ME DOWN. I STILL THINK WITH THE RIGH ADDITIONS(and no I don’t think we have to GUT our system) WE CAN STILL WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP. ALL YOU PESSIMISTS CAN SUCK IT AND SHUT THE HECK UP. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

    I actually agree with you that the players need to start performing and throwing money at the problem isn't always the best solution. 

    But I'd be interested in your sources that Arte isn't going to spend any more money on the team.

    Sources? Who needs sources when you can spout off opinions as though it is fact and the only fact. Lol (Should note the Sarcasm)

  4. 15 minutes ago, JarsOfClay said:

    Why hang onto them? Well what if we hanged onto Corbin, Segura, and Clevinger? We traded all of them in attempt to win now. How many world series did we win? How many playoff games did we win? Yep none.

    None of those guys were top 5 picks but they developed into very good players. Had we held onto them, we would be challenging Houston for the AL West instead of barely trying to make the 2nd wild card.

    Get the point? It hurts you in the long run, and for what - to sneak into the 2nd wildcard? It's not like the angels are 1 or 2 players away, they are more like 4 or 5 players away. Angels need to upgrade RF, 3b, C, and acquire at least 2 relievers to be serious about making the playoffs.

    These were all players who did not start to prodcude until they were traded. Some player play better on different teams and  in Different systems. That’s why we were able to get more potential out of players like aLex meyers, yet other players like Cozart, Hamilton, and other veterans vastly under  perform when here. It’s not as easy as if we would have had them, they would have performed at the same level. And NO we wouldn’t be competing with those players. Would you take Clevinger over anyone of our starters right now? I wouldn’t. Would you take Segura over Simmons? I wouldn’t. I know we would have more prospect now. But sometimes you have to take risks. Look at what the Astros did with Verlander. His career was looking like it was close to done. And now he’s pitching as one of the best in the whole game. 


    Do you “get the point?”

  5. 3 minutes ago, eaterfan said:

    MLB players aren't sure things either. Hamilton and Pujols flopped with us, too. And the Angels don't need all their prospects to pan out. Adell, Marsh, Deveaux all have all-star+ potential. Jones has solid starter potential, Canning and Suarez have solid starter potential. They aren't going to need to build an entire team. They still have Skaggs, Trop, Heaney, Barria, Ohtani, Upton, Simmons and Trout locked down for years. The window isn't closing this season. They just need a few guys to fill in around the periphery. 

    You are right about MLB regulars not being sure things either. But they are more sure things than unproven prospects. With An MLB regular you more or less know how they preform in the big leagues. And by the time almost all of our prospects are ready, almost all of: Skaggs, Trop, Heaney, Barria, Ohtani, Upton, Simmons and Trout will either be close to or over thirty and/or not under contract or team control (with exception of Barria and Ohtani and Maybe Upton who will be vastly over thirty). So our window may or may not be closing. But we do not know for sure. Best bet is to go for it while we have the best player now and good stars around him. We just need another impact player or two. We can still get impact players and still keep a solid system. We do not have to deplete our system. We have so many high upside prospects why not use a few of them now to aquire talent while we have sure thing stars at this moment. 

  6. And with simmons out a possible extended period time and Ohtani may be going to the DL. I would call The Royals and See if Eppler can work his magic and get us Moustakas, Herrera, and Gordon. But thats easy to say as I type this on my phone. I am sure Eppler has been Calling and fielding calls pretty regularly and we do not know what it takes behind the scenes. But as an arm chair gm and fan, that sounds like a good plan on its face. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, stormngt said:

    Everyone is on the market if it gets us a championship and that includes Trout.  However the championship is not guaranteed when you make the trade.  Therefore it's hard to assess if we should trade out top prospect.  It's all should be balanced between what value value of your giving up and what value you get.

    I dont want to trade a top prospect for a relief pitcher! I would consider secondary prospects, but not our top prospects 

    Now I would for a Machado, arrenado, or Harper if the prospects of extension is good.

    I think this is a fair look at things, as I mostly agree with this. But I think we do need to try and make a move to win now. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, eaterfan said:

    I think the talent on the farm will be ready to help in 2 years and that will have far more impact on retaining Trout than if we make an ALDS this year. The core is young and can compete for a championship in the next few years. I'm not sure this year is it. Nothing is for sure, maybe this team will be bad the next two years and this will be our only shot. But I think that chance is smaller than then prospects helping us in the future. And also smaller than the trade chips leading us to a WS Championship this year.

    I respectfully disagree. I think that may be the case if all of our prospects pan out as best base scenario. We as Angel fans vastly overrate our own prospects and players. Adell and Canning May be have star potential. With Marsh, and Jones possibly being solid regulars to may be all-stars. Barria and Suarez are likely mid rotation pitchers at best. I hope I am wrong and they become top of the rotation pitchers. With all other prospects falling somewhere lower than that, and maybbe MLB regulars to role players at best. There may likely be some surprises as some may out preform their possible ceiling. But more likely is some prospects never reach these potentials. We would need most of all our prospects to reach their full potential and ceiling to compete by hanging on all prospects and continue signing aging veterans. And as for All the prospects reaching their full potential and ceiling; THAT NEVER HAPPENS. Hit rates on prospects are very low. And only players like Ward, Thasis, and may be canning are 2 years away. Everyone else is likely a lot farther than that. And 2 Years from now Trouts Contract is up. Only Pujols and Upton will be under contract. So I think we should go for it now. I am not a fan of kicking the Can down the road in hopes we get lucky later. 

  9. I do not agree with most posters here who think we should hoard and hang on to All our prospects. We do have a a good deal of talented prospects. But that is exactly what they are; prospects. A majority of prospects never pann out. We have the best player in baseball right now, along with an amazing star shortstop and a future star in Ohtani. We have low cost starters who are finally producing. If we do not put a winning product on the field now we may lose the one of the greatest players of all time because we would rather hold on to our prospects rather than make the risky move to aquire talent. We have the prospects to put a contender on the field now. And we probably do not have to deplete our system to get there. It makes no sense In hoarding and holding on to these prospects. Yeah some may be our future. But that is a crap shoot at best. It’s not like we are the Astros who had numerous top 5 picks to get where they were. We are talking about prospects that have a lot lower ceiling (except may be our few top 3-4 prospects at most) A lot of these prospects have more value in what they can bring in as apposed to being role players In The future. A lot will never even pan out, much less even make it to the big leagues. So why hang on to all of them with the risk that we never put a competitive team on the field. Let’s do it now while we have one of the best players of all time. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, REDneck said:


    Barria, Jones, Ward.....for Nolan Arenado and a good CO reliever if they have any...

    Remember I said Hypothetical before u tear it up.

    Reports are arenado would like to play here so I'm assuming we could extend him after his year of Arb

    I would do it in a heart beat. But i think it would take a lot more for a year and a half of Arenado. I would even give up Barria, Adell, Jones, ward, and another lower level prospect if i thought we would resign him and if  we got a reliever. Arenado is a top player who would take both the lineup and defense to new levels. He is a player who could make us a contender over night.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Warfarin said:

    Barria is part of our core moving forward.  He isn't being traded.  His short SLC starts are almost assuredly intended to manage his innings, so he can continue to partake in our 6-man rotation.  

    We also thought Sean Newcomb was apart of our core going forward before he was traded to the objection of a lot of Angels fans.  But I do agree that he is a great piece to help build the future with. 

    BUT, it would also be foolish to completely rule out trading him for the right piece(s). And that is all I am saying. 


    8 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    I'd still like to see a team other than Oakland tattoo Bridwell before I give up on him too.

    I would too. I think he is a competitor who pitches to his competition. Or may be he could end up being an ace multiple inning reliever. I am not ready to give up on him either. 

  12. Just now, rageous said:

    Hermosillo is not the answer.

    He was barely above average hitter in AAA with bad strikeout rate for a lower power hitter.

    Try out Blash and see if he can produce at major league and then make a decision on a trade after that.

    I largely agree. Except I dnt think blash is the answer either. I remember him misplaying a pretty routine ball in RF when he was up with us earlier this year. I do not want to have a defensive liability as an everyday player. I think we need a trade to aquire some real talent. 

  13. 2 hours ago, The Boogie Man said:

    My guess is the way we acquire a closer is to take on a bad contract with the closer.  Do I think it will be Bruce and Familia, no.  I could see it being Gordon and Herrera.  

    Throw In Moustakas and that’s a good trade target. Then Cozart becomes our utility player, Playing 2nd, 3rd, and SS giving players days off and filling In for injuries. Cozart could still play more than 2/3 of all games that way and keep everyone fresh. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, eaterfan said:

    That's fine. But remember that the options that Barria possesses are going to be needed with the 5.5 man rotation. If the right deal for a long term solution comes available he could be a piece. But moving him for a veteran without options for a solution for this year probably won't happen because they can't lose the roster flexibility and still compete this year.

    Tropeano and Bridwell both have options I believe. Although, I’d rather not have Bridwell up with us with how he is playing in the minors. Plus rosters expansion is getting nearer, and we may throw Ohtani and others on shorter rest as the season gets near the end. Lots of possible solutions. I would love to keep Barria. But I would also trade him for the right player(s)

  15. And we are just over 2 1/2 years away from Trout’s contract expiring. You think Trout is excited about a boat load of prospects, where maybe 1/3 or less of them may end up making an impact within 3-5 years from now. I think Trout would be more concerned about putting a team together that can win a championship within the next few years. My biggest worry is that If we do not surround Trout with talent in the next year or so, he will be gone, and then we are stuck with prospects who may or may not ever make an impact. And we would hope that one of those prospects turns out like Trout. Why not try to win while we already have a leg up and while we currently have Trout. 

  16. 14 minutes ago, eaterfan said:

    I don't think anyone is arguing to never trade him, but Simmons was a young starting SS who put up 7.0, 3.6, and 3.9 WAR in his first 3 full seasons. Newcomb was a 22 year old who had made 7 starts in AA. Barria is already in the majors and Brad Hand is a relief pitcher.

    And I am not sayin the trade has to be for hand (even though he has controllable years left) or even a reliever. What about a package for Moustakas and Herrera. Or a trade for Soler? What about Bumgardener? There was also mention today on bleacher report of the Mets open to trading DeGrom or Snydergaarg. If we are to trade for anyone of importance with any team control, you bet the asking price will start with Barria most likely or Adell or Canning. I know we as angels fans feel strongly about them and so do I, but if we were to try and aquire any significant talent, it is going to take talented prospects/young MLB talent. And I do know we cannot just sit here and expect to win with what we have. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Lou said:

    not everyone went crazy made about the Simmons trade .

    also, Hell No to trading Barria 

    Have you not read back through the old posts on this forum. A good majority were more than mad at the trade. It took people listening to the media about how this was an even trade for people to start coming around to it, and it was not until we started to watch him play that people on this forum began to really appreciate simmons and the trade. 

  18. I would like to keep Barria. But I am also not adverse to trading him for the right piece(s). I know we are starting to finally build a farm system along with having young major league talent. But we also have to be willing to make trades like the Simmons trade. No one wanted to trade Newcomb, and everyone went crazy mad that we did. Well How did that turn out? And to the opposite end of the spectrum, we were unwilling to give up any significant prospects during the Bill Stoneman era for the most part (and how did that turn out, especially when we could have had miggy). 

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