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Everything posted by Stradling

  1. I am not expecting much of this team so I can still enjoy the wins. If this team gets to .500 then I will look at the standings. Until then I will enjoy wins and not get overly bothered by losses. I will also eagerly anticipate the trade deadline to see what Jerry does for this teams future.
  2. Apparantly Christians don't sweat their troubles. Score one for Jesus.
  3. Ignorant posts like this are fun.
  4. I agree with gotbeer. I would start with revoking the remainder of the contract. Or at the very least give the team X amount of days after the positive test to revoke the contract.
  5. So according to you if you make the playoffs then you are good. All teams that miss the playoffs, are bad. Got it.
  6. Ok so in 2008 with limited playing time, 2012 and so far this year. Frustrating, but certainly not as bad as its made out to be.
  7. Also, have we drafted anyone we thought would be a tough sign but were able to sign them?
  8. So, who's left to sign and what are the chances we lose them?
  9. Calhoun still wouldn't be playing in this situation, not with CC on the mound.
  10. My favorite Myth. It might be the easiest to prove to be incorrect as well. Figgins and Lackey were the heat once they left. Wells had a good month in a hitters ball park, but anyone that didn't think he was capable of that was just blinded by their hate. Rodney had a great year last year, followed by returning to form this year. Texeria sucks. Hunter is playing well, but I think we all expected him to have a solid year. Vlad was pretty average after he left except for the fact that he got to hit in Texas and then Baltimore. Napoli is the exception not the norm.
  11. Ok HB, I am convinced your and idoit. You do realize that not every player is going to be an All Star, right? However, at least with Kendrick, you not only have a player that made an All Star team, he has a good chance of making the team this year too. But you want to trade him to get some minor league pitching, brilliant.
  12. Shuck isn't playing because he is a lefty and CC is pitching. Probably the same reason Hamilton isn't playing.
  13. Howie has had one year in his career where he hit into a ton of double plays, so according to AW that is all he does. He was said to be a perennial batting champion, since he isn't AW hates him. The guy has been a plus WAR player for his entire career but he is shit on because of what he isn't.
  14. I am curious if he has ever had a month where he batted .190. To me he is streaky, but not so bad where he would hit below .200 over the course of a month.
  15. Frieri needs to be replaced as this teams closer. Pujols is selfish and shouldn't be playing right now, he is hurting the team. He only cares about his personal achievements. Trout is better in CF. Peter sucks and can't take away home runs. Nibs Nibbler shouldn't be pitching anymore. He needs to stop washing his hair and go with his tranny fiance to thailand. Stop bunting, forever. (I think I got most)
  16. However I thinks it's amazing that we got a $3 billion TV contract for the team with the worst tv ratings in baseball.
  17. We don't know the details of the contract. We don't know if Arte has an out clause like he had last time. Hell we didn't even know until way after he opted out that that was even an option last time. I'm guessing with Arte's business savy he planned for such things.
  18. Hey HomeBrew, it's time for you to take some time off and regroup. As you have said this season is over so we will see you next year. Or in a few years since you said it will take that long for us to be any good. Take care man.
  19. It's funny that we focus on our overpaid declining players and we act like we are the only team this stupid. Then you see the Yankees. They may be winning but that team is not good. Not only are they bad but they have overpaid often injured players at first and third, and an over paid Jeter that still hasn't recovered from his ankle injury from October. If Jeter was an Angel AO would have nicknamed him Derek Morales. We can complain about the Pujols contract but the Arod contract is much worse, oh and the city and team hate the guy, as does their management. Texieria has been mostly awful for them as well the last three years. Every big money team makes these mistakes.
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