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Everything posted by Stradling

  1. Not to mention it's still up to the players to take what they've been shown and follow through on it. Pitching coaches only get one trip per inning.
  2. How much can we offer him? How much overslot is it? Will he accept?
  3. I read the book where they took over the White House and I thought that was the first Mitch Rapp Book, but I could be wrong. I think it is where Rapp met his wife in the series. I don't recall the name of it, but I thought it was a great book. Oh and yes Adam, Cancer is brutal.
  4. Or he thinks that the top two teams in the west are better than anything the east puts out there. That would be my guess.
  5. "We're not just a hot dog anymore" -Reggie Jackson
  6. Yea, they should have Hawpe play more. Seriously, with Peter out and with Calhoun still in the minors who would you rather see in the line up?
  7. Soto, I've had it. Skram bought me one for my birthday, it's pretty damn good.
  8. I tried Bootleggers Black Phoenix over the weekend. It was a very good 'one beer' beer. I don't think I could drink more than one but I still enjoyed it. Pretty heavy dark beer butnotbitter like some can be. I recommend it.
  9. Well that seems to be a pretty honest interview. One thing I worry about is him selling the team. When he talks about the personal attacks it makes me think he could consider selling at some point.
  10. See you then man. Take care.
  11. Is it even possible for you to be a bigger idiot? I mean seriously. I am not sure I have agreed with you on a single thing you have posted.
  12. The guy had retired 20+ batters in a row entering tonight. Frieri is a decent but not great closer.
  13. Wow. I knew he was improving but those are very good numbers. That's a 1 WHIP.
  14. Dear Internet detectives, why would the team lie about Hamilton getting a cortisone shot? The guy has sucked all year long that doesn't mean he didn't recently hurt himself. I don't understand the theory that the Angels or the players lie about injuries.
  15. Hamiltown, if you can't understand why we all think you are nuts to suggest trading Trout then I really don't know what to say. If you were trying to rebuild a team, wouldn't you want to do it with, Oh I don't know, the best 21 year old player on the planet? I still don't think the team is in as bad of shape as their record. This season may be done but like I said in a previous thread there is a lot of wiggle room in the payroll. If Arte was spending $120 million on payroll with a $50 million TV deal, then I am guessing he is willing to spend a few bucks more than the current $140 million with a $150 TV contract.
  16. Ok, are the two unsigned going to be tough signs? Or do you think they are just weighing their options? Also, of these two who do we want the team to focus on? Is this a situation where you tell one of them, we have X amount of dollars to sign one of you the first to say yes gets signed?
  17. I don't want to trade him, and I know I am probably going to get crucified for saying this, but I think the team can be a playoff team as early as next season. It really takes just a move or two and Hamilton playing like we have all seen the last few years.
  18. Yea, I don't know how a manager's contract is written. Is it written as a manager only contract, or more of an employee of the team contract. I could easily see them offering him a front office position and then working out either a trade or he just chooses to opt out of his contract rather than take the front office position. This is the best way it can go down, rather than firing him and having to pay him.
  19. I would also consider trading Weaver, but it would have to be to bring in a really talented arm in return.
  20. Sadly, the best arm on the team is Richards, and he is less consistent than anyone else with worse stuff.
  21. Are you like me Tdawg, where you grew up in Anaheim or the surrounding area and couldn't imagine rooting for another baseball team?
  22. Except you still need to log some innings to get your arm strength up. I have no idea if he is done or not. However, I still think he could be effective throwing 87mph. Just not as effective as 89-90.
  23. So, you're jealous of the money they make? I basically couldn't care less how much money they make, other than the fact that it could prevent the team from signing other players. I have said this before, but I wish no one knew how much each player made.
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