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Everything posted by GrittyVeterans

  1. Brutal game. Not because of how it's being played even, just the constant reminder that a great young man has left us
  2. I wish they'd release the cause of death. I know it doesn't ultimately matter, but for some reason it helps me cope and provides me with some closure in a way
  3. I like Terry. Some say he's boring (which he may be at times). However, the guy represents the Angels' organization with absolute class day in and day out. He has been one of the constants of this franchise over the past 20 years and I've grown to really appreciate him
  4. I was watching ESPN about 30 minutes after the news broke and it was Stephen A yelling hysterically about the Knicks for 45 minutes straight and not even a mention of it
  5. Also, Aaron Cox was a member of the Angels organization when he passed. It's just unbelievable
  6. I hit the whiskey bottle pretty hard after I heard this. Sobering up now and I just can't believe it actually happened God damn, RIP man. My aunt committed suicide less than a year ago and I don't think I'll ever get over that. I feel so much pain for his family.
  7. Season goes out the window for me. So sad. RIP
  8. Fair enough. I think if it were up to me I'd be getting the best package for La Stella and Skaggs possible. Not sure what to do with Heaney. Calhoun will have some value but not a ton. I agree we don't have a ton to sell but I think you could come away with a couple decent prospects, and hopefully, the next Buttrey-for-Kinsler trade
  9. You need to look at the bigger picture. The team has a tough schedule and has at no point in the season shown they are more than a 77-82 win club. I think Eppler will, fortunately This is what I don't understand about this fanbase. Everyone on this board has always said the window to contend is 2020-2023-ish. So why on Earth wouldn't you try to gain more assets for that time period?
  10. I said they should listen, which they should. He's about to be 30 and his contract status is questionable. I don't think it's a must move to make but if some team blows you away with an offer, you consider it IMO
  11. Obviously you don't blow anything up and you still look for upgrades if you can get a starter under club control past next season. But the bottom line is this team isn't good enough to go for anything this year. It's frustrating to say that again, but our window to contend just isn't quite open yet. They've been hovering between 5 games under .500 and 2 games over .500 the entire year. That basically tells me that 80 wins (which means @Stradling and I get to both say we were right) is about what they'll finish at again, barring some unforeseen performances. Guys like Calhoun, La Stella, Goodwin, etc should be on the block in order to acquire more help for future seasons. And they should listen at least on Simmons. Yes, it sucks to trade contributors/fan favorites but it's the reality of the situation we are in
  12. Offseason wishlist: Ace starter, catcher, solid left handed reliever
  13. LOL - how is the fact that we aren't winning the division a "BS argument"? That matters a great deal in any move we will be making. If we had a reasonable shot at the division, everyone here would be much more willing to make a big trade that helps this year. Since we don't, it's probably best to only make a move if you can fleece someone and just wait until the offseason. It's unlikely you're going to get a player like Bauer for a reasonable deal during the season.
  14. You have to take ERA with a grain of salt for Rangers' pitchers. A 4.00 ERA pitching half your games at Arlington park is super impressive, honestly.
  15. How is mortgaging the future on a 50/50 shot at a 1 game playoff the right move? We aren't catching Houston. Every trade needs to be viewed with that in mind. If there is a move that Eppler feels is fair, he will make it, but it will be made with future seasons in mind and not this one primarily.
  16. The team very much should be a contender next year. 90+ wins should be the goal in 2020. If they aren't in that mix then something went horribly wrong
  17. I park my car 4 miles away to avoid paying for parking, then I go into the bathroom and fill up a cup of water from the sink to avoid paying for refreshments. Then I jump in my Prius and drive home while trying my hardest not to rev the engine at all. When I get home I either make rice and beans or beans and rice.
  18. I don't see it happening, but hey, at least it will be fun to follow!
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