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Dick B Back

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Everything posted by Dick B Back

  1. Don't need no stinkin' international signings after that fine draft.
  2. Watching MLB and they just showed Trumbo is batting second for Seattle tonight. They are sucking pretty bad and trying anything.
  3. Bust your pleasure... sounds like the name of a porn flick.
  4. I am amazed with Johnny G's ability to put the ball in play with runners on unlike the ones who pucker up. That is all.
  5. Its un-American not to get a shake at in-n-out.
  6. Its not so amazing when he keeps the ball down in the zone. Go Shoe!
  7. Looks like at this point I'll at least be right about 9, 8, 7, 6, 4 and 3 now that our friend Rodney lost his closer job. No surprise on that one, it was just a matter of time. Still have to wait on the rest.
  8. Stanton with 2 HRs so far now has 21. Heston no-hitter through 6 vs the Mets.
  9. Hope they don't do to him whatever they've done to Strasburg and Gio.
  10. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that thinks Santiago will crash and burn at some point. I never expect him to be a consistent starting pitcher, even a #5. With his delivery, he will retreat again here at some point. Sure hope I'm wrong, but I don't think much of him at all no matter what his current stats suggest.
  11. There was talk of beer prices and you posted "fully loaded" then started in about cars and I got confused.
  12. The Cards always play fundamentally sound baseball. Not like some other team we know and love.
  13. And you shouldn't as I find it insulting.
  14. After today's HR, Matt Kemp now has as many HRs as Johnny G.
  15. Could we have the Stros played Toronto for about 2 straight weeks while the Angels get their act together.
  16. All I can say is Stanton with the Marlins picking up the majority of his salary. They can have whatever pitchers they want besides Richards.
  17. And I'd rather have a third base coach with historical ties to the Angels.
  18. I didn't know they were buying at the stadium. I thought they were bringing their drinks in via the wife's diaper bag.
  19. For some reason Ethier has never done anything for me so I'll pass on him unless the Dodgers want to give him away for some no-name non-prospects.
  20. Maybe the Angels thinking is "discount buyers" = "trouble making Dodger type fans" and they don't mind them not coming to games.
  21. I think I read somewhere that in addition to removing the hill that they are moving the fences in of all things. Maybe they want to give Carter a shot at the single season HR mark.
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