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the dude abides

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Everything posted by the dude abides

  1. This will probably guarantee his re-election, given that this is Texas. Now, when evidence of his Grindr account is released, that will be a different story.
  2. Apparently, Jesus only "keeps him calm" when he's batting.
  3. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  4. No kidding. How do ET and Forrest Gump make this list? Nate and Adam should be on an ISIS watch list after this thread.
  5. Mad Max. Not the original, but the steaming shit pile that was released this year.
  6. Lol. This can't possibly be a real quote.
  7. He is a cop, and you will respect his authoritah.
  8. It might as well be craigslist comedy posting.
  9. State of the art technology for advanced stats in the Angels front office.
  10. A spray chart for bunting might get some good usage.
  11. Pit bulls should be shot on sight. Useless animals.
  12. We need Blarg and AIR in this thread. Those two had some great ribs / smoker ideas.
  13. Nice! My first time ever grilling was a flank steak on a gas Weber. Apparently 600 degrees is not the recommended temp.
  14. Azangle started the "common courtesy" thread, but who actually posted the Laker score in the thread title to set the chain of events in motion?
  15. Trivia: The "Common Courtesy" thread was in reference to the Lakers Playoff score being posted in a thread title. Q: Which poster made the offending post with the score in the thread title? (The first correct answer will receive a "like" on their post from me (it's quite an honor). Unless I don't like you, then I'll send you a PM telling you to go f**k yourself).
  16. My dad has a Traeger. Those are outstanding. But as you said, definitely pricey.
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