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Everything posted by GuliblGuy

  1. She's pretty old, you're saying she lifted that dude up on a meat hook by herself at his cabin? The "killer" left the dvd for them to watch, and they just pop it in? My first thought is hey, see if there are any prints on that thing...
  2. I have something to do with directv?
  3. I can easily see the shrink being asked by Dexter to help Deb get a grip again, since they both know what he is, and she is a psychologist. Deb needs some serious help, and who wouldn't after all that shiz. I also see the shrink wanting to really get to know what makes Dexter tick, and helping him figure some things out....not sure she would turn him in..I think she's going to want to study why he is who he is and what his thought processes are. I can see some officer figuring it out, and Dexter dying in a bloodbath, and she will say he really wasn't a bad guy, misunderstood perhaps.
  4. What a gross misappropriation of water. Who does she think she is, a fireman?? And I think the Oregon punishment is fine...it was their recruiting people they hired, not them directly.
  5. Jeeze that sucks. And I, for one, appreciate the movie reference. Well done Glen.
  6. WTF. I never gave them permission to film me while I was drinking!
  7. Nicely done. Haven't been to Coco's in years.
  8. Just imagine the marine layer if we went to Long Beach as was the original plan instead of Anaheim. Balls wouldn't leave the infield.
  9. I dunno...how many penises do these girls have?
  10. Wow you must have better eyesight than me. I just saw the glove and him gesturing.
  11. I want to play, but am currently addicted to another game, and I can't do two at once.
  12. What? Who do you think I am...Cory?? Edit: Oh Eric already picked up on that.
  13. Wow, just horrible stuff...thoughts and prayers to everyone affected.
  14. We let the beer thread go to page 2? For shame. I found this at costco, lots of them are better than I thought they would be.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLI4EuDckgM
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