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Everything posted by GuliblGuy

  1. Joe loves those California Angels.
  2. Oh man...that was our family's favorite ride. We would all be in one, and talk trash on the other racers before/during the ride. The best was when they gave us looks like wtf are you guys even talking about.
  3. Does he have a buddy I can call? Someone with a good hook up?
  4. And a corndog, from strictly on a stick, across from the log ride.
  5. I've gotten a tickets to a couple games so far, and so far the best price for me has still been stubhub. As the season starts off and the dynamic pricing truly kicks in, I'm sure that will change. Instead of just checking stubhub like I did in the past, I now check 4 sites for tickets for a game: Stubhub 714tickets Angels ticket exchange Angels/ticketmaster regular sales site I find tickets in the area I want, and then go to the checkout page on the sites, and see who has the cheapest total once fees and whatnot are factored in.
  6. She's OGG. I'm new GG, or GG lite. But when we're together, we are GG²
  7. I am bummed now there are so many apartment buildings off the 5, you can barely get a glimpse of it from the freeway anymore. I remember late in '02, we were out somewhere and couldn't watch the game, and it was of some sort of importance, like if we won we clinched the wild card or something, and I didn't hear anything about the game, was driving home and saw the halo lit, and we just all started yelling and screaming in the car.
  8. Pretty cool article, and apparently LTH had a big hand in it: http://www.ocregister.com/news/halo-501210-angels-big.html
  9. They are really bad...my wife got the yellow one which is tropical citrus, and that was pretty good. The rest taste like ass.
  10. Tiia hates my family fruit salad recipe, so I pretty much never make it anymore. I'm making the pineapple sauce for this weekend... So save some extra jerky. For what it's worth, Tiia's list of dishes is much longer than mine.
  11. I make a killer pineapple sauce for ham .... fruit salad, cornish gamehens.
  12. Don't worry, I think about you every time I get dressed.
  13. Very much looking forward to this...Rockstar just became a client of mine, I was hoping for an advanced copy of the game, but I'll settle for some free GTAV shirts and hats they sent me!
  14. I have AT&T...they have a year introductory rate of like $19.99 or something...what I do is cancel my internet, then re-sign up, it's only that cheap if you sign up online I think...then just cancel and do it again every year.
  15. HA..my coworker and I are dying laughing...a good coworker.
  16. I have this coworker that eavesdrops on EVERYTHING and has to butt in with her 2 cents about what you were talking about, and everything that happens in her life is drama, and she has to tell everyone she talks to everything going on in her life...I call her the queen of useless information. Phone call earlier today: "Oh hi how you doin? Oh I'm doing ok...it's Thursday, I'm hangin in there. Just had to get my oil changed in my car, thought I would never get out of there, can you believe how long they take doing those things? My daughter's been driving it all over, upping our mileage, I wish she would get her car fixed, I don't know why she is dragging her heels on that! Anyways, I need to check the ship date on my order." Holy crap. My desk was next to her and I made them move me across the office because I was going insane.
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