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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. Blech. That play at the plate was ugly. Could have had him.
  2. I started my thread first, but looks like more people are posting here, so I'll give in. Our 7-8-9 is ugly tonight. Calhoun, on the other hand, is not.
  3. Agreed. Who the f cares what game she went to or who she supports?
  4. Over/under on 1st inning pitches from CJ? I'm saying 19.
  5. Not game-related, but thought I'd post it here, anyway: Cowart sent back down to A-ball: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/rutledge-657089-josh-seattle.html
  6. I don't know that "one and done" will necessarily become the standard for Duke like it is for Kentucky and some other schools, but, yes, he's clearly at least open to it now, whereas the school had resisted it in the past.
  7. I guess my point was that, on whole, it didn't seem like the officiating "favored" one team over the other. Over the course of the game, there were bad calls and missed fouls across the board. I just get so tired of the "refs favored Duke" narrative. It's like the lame "East coast bias" b.s., or how "ESPN only covers the Yankees and the Red Sox." Get over it. Stop whining (not directed at you, Lou--just a general comment on people who fall back on the victimization narratives).
  8. More whining about the refs. Shocking...Where were you in the first half, when Duke had more fouls than Wisconsin? I'll just bask in the glow of the win.
  9. Haven't been watching and just now jumping into the thread. Has Weaver's fastball been an issue today?
  10. I find CJ's shitty pitching last year disheartening. I am really just sick and tired of people blasting how the Angels are handling this. I am honestly baffled by the backlash.
  11. At least until the next time he screws up. I'm just sick of the guy in general, whether or not he's hitting well, contributing, etc. I don't like his attitude, his self-righteousness, etc
  12. Yeah, I thought for sure they'd handle it before then. Seems stupid to have it linger into the first week of the season, and take attention away from it.
  13. Ha. Yeah, trust me, I'm not bragging. But if we're talking about a design being intuitive, I'm just saying that for the specific search being referenced, the design seems perfectly logical and intuitive to me. *shrug*
  14. Took me about 3 seconds, and seemed pretty intuitive, at least for this specific search. Hover over the MLB button near the top of the page, click on the Cubs logo, and then when you get to their page, click history. All past years' records are immediately displayed.
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