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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. My main point, when it came to Stalin vs Hitler, it was pretty much bad fighting bad. Murderous dictator fighting murderous dictator. Stalin killed millions of his own people along with who knows how many outside his country and we all know what Hitler did. I just used Poland as an example. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland
  2. I saw. Which is why I said the idiots didn’t do their research because if they had, they would have known to cancel their embarrassing event.
  3. Russia knew they were going to end up in a war with Germany because Hitler talked about it in Mein Kamph. But they did agree to carve up Poland. And Stalin did attempt to join up with the Axis powers but Hitler ignored him. I think that’s what Stalin was trying to do to prevent a war with Germany. Russia then goes after Finland who then teamed up with Germany in some aspects. Europe was pretty much a shit show. I know the communists and fascists were mortal enemies (which is why it’s funny when some on the right call others communists and fascists. They obviously don’t know those two don’t mesh). Which is why they both ended up in war with one another eventually. But both had aspirations for bringing Europe and other parts of the world under their sphere of influence through whatever means necessary. Even if that meant for awhile they were cordial with one another, knowing it wouldn’t last. That’s why I don’t think they were different from one another in that sense. Politically they might have been different but that’s about it in my opinion. No argument from me on Britain as well as the U.S. No country has clean hands.
  4. Hitler vs Stalin. Teamed up on Poland. Russia hoping to join the Axis but got stood up by Hitler. Both responsible for for tens of millions of deaths. Meh.
  5. It’s not like the internet has been around for a month or two. I think someone could have researched this a bit better and said “nah let’s skip this.” Although to be fair, in the eastern theater, it really was just bad guys killing bad guys. At least on the battlefield itself.
  6. I was puzzled too by this. Was he claiming that Trump didn’t rile up some of his most die hard supporters before and after the election prior to January 6th? That MSNBC blew what he was saying and doing out of proportion? I know AJ leans more left but isn’t happy with the current Democrat party which is perfectly normal but it still seems like an odd take.
  7. Are you guys meeting up at the Four Seasons Hotel or Four Seasons Total Landscaping? Inquiring minds would like to know.
  8. Can we cut off aid to Israel as well as Ukraine? Might as well shut off the nozzle there too.
  9. Too much negativity guys. Let’s lighten up a bit.
  10. Mormons are great people. Active die hard members are just ignorant of their church history mainly because leadership has tried to whitewash it and hide it from them. They are coming clean a little bit better these days, mainly because it’s harder to hide stuff. Look’s like Ballard left OUR in July for reasons unknown at the time. Again, I’m assuming the truth, whatever that might be, will eventually come out. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/sound-of-freedom-tim-ballard-leaves-operation-underground-railroad-1234787753/amp/
  11. Just to clarify, Mitt isn’t running so he’s not challenging him. Ironically, early Mormon history was all about church leaders trafficking young girls and married women under the guise of marriage. Tim Ballard is wants to fight that but as an active member of his church, neither read up on his church’s history or ignored it.
  12. I have no idea if the allegations are true or not. But Ballard did step down from OUR earlier this year after internal investigations within OUR were being conducted based off the accusations by multiple employees. This is before the VICE article came out, if I remember correctly. There's a cover story one needs to sell and then there's going too far, especially in private where you don't need to sell an image. Again, it might all be bullshit but there's a lot of charlatan behavior, especially in the state of Utah and within the LDS church. It wouldn't shock me if this was true. I guess we'll see what comes of it.
  13. I don’t think he ever said said but maybe I’m wrong. Trump is just an opportunist and plays the con game. He’s done it long enough and knows how to do it to perfection. In this particular case, politics and the Republican Party were ripe for his game.
  14. Very inappropriate. She went on a date with a Democrat? Pretty immoral.
  15. I’m kind of disappointed that this wasn’t a play on Schindler’s List instead of Beetlejuice. With all the making out and groping, it just seems like a better taste. Oh and replace the pregnant woman complaining with MTG, and it would have been perfection.
  16. No argument there from me. Whatever his true motives are though, genuine or not, he limited himself to just one term. I'll give him at least a "tip of the cap." That's about it from me.
  17. I actually had no problem with what the Dems did to Bernie. After all, he as an independent was using the DNC as a way to get to the White House. Their party, their rules. What I do have a problem with is Bernie had to go through the DNC if he was to have a legitimate shot at getting the nomination. He really had no choice but to use them. As of right now, there are only two roads to take. Sad.
  18. The problem is the ones that would make that law aren't going to give up their power by limiting themselves to it. If the American public wants term limits, they are going to have to rely on themselves to enforce them. Which means possibly voting for the other side of their own political spectrum. And because of that, I just don't see term limits in the near future. I could be wrong. Whatever one may think of Mitt Romney, he at least decided to call it quits after one term. His fellow colleague, Mike Lee, said he would only run for two terms in 2010. He just began the start of his third term earlier this year. And the ones that voted for him either conveniently forgot they wanted term limits for politicians or really don't care as long as their guy won.
  19. Biden should just stick to stories like his participation in the Battle of Lundy Lane during the War of 1812. That one is actually believable.
  20. I looked it up, apparently he visited nine days after the attack. Meh. Anyways, he should just retire. But our government has become a nursing home these days.
  21. Curt Schilling can be right in one area and wrong in others. That's life.
  22. We do have term limits. People just choose not to enforce them every election cycle because the right and left can’t stomach voting for someone that has the wrong letter next to their name. They’ll just vote for the person they complain about for the next two to six years.
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