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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Afghanistan was already failing no matter who was in office (the Taliban had been taking over territory for awhile) . The Afghan army wasn't being paid and they weren't going to fight for a corrupt Afghan government. They abandoned much of what we gave them and we destroyed vital components of what we left that made equipment operable. People were given two deadlines (one by Trump and one by Biden) so it was no mystery when we were leaving. The embassy even told people to get out in the weeks before. Hanging out in Afghanistan till the last second wasn't a good idea. The collapse we saw was going to happen regardless because the Afghan government wasn't taken seriously. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/opinion/national-security/568154-trumps-deal-with-the-taliban-set-the-stage-for-the-afghan-collapse%3famp And when you have hundreds of thousands of people trying to get out and not enough people to organize an orderly withdraw, chaos ensues. Biden was the guy in charge so I'm okay with him getting most of the blame but I understand history and events are more complicated than what snippets we see. In the end I'm glad Trump started the process of withdrawal and Biden finished it.
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/11/24/california-docks-see-significant-progress-with-supply-chain-backlog-port-chief-says.html "Since the announcement of the new fees, which have yet to be imposed, both ports have seen lingering cargo containers reduced by 33%. Cordero says there are still approximately 61 cargo ships off the California coast waiting to unload. That compares to a record 111 ships just two weeks ago, according to data from the Marine Exchange."
  3. Sixth person dies. Eight year old kid. Twelve year old brother was also hit. https://www.cbs58.com/news/8-year-old-boy-dies-from-injuries-in-waukesha-holiday-parade-tragedy
  4. Gas station I use was at about $3.89 a gallon at the end of August and has been going down super slow over the past couple months. It is around $3.66 now and we'll see if it drops some more in the coming months due to demand dropping (the usual seasonal changes). Biden releasing for the oil reserves won't do much. I'm not an expert of on this but I just keep an eye on the price per barrel and a few weeks ago it was around $84 a barrel. Currently sitting around $78 a barrel. My parents are in town and my mom showed me the break down of what you're paying for gas in California. Holy hell you guys are getting screwed. I love California (at the least the one I grew up in) but just glad I have moved on.
  5. Hasn't logged in since November 1st. Hopefully he's okay.
  6. This comes at an interesting time with the Rittenhouse case and the topic of self defense. If these guys are found not guilty, shit might be worse that 2020.
  7. The event is a little twelve hours old and of course it happened late in the day so you’re dealing with an overnight situation. If you didn’t have information by the beginning of this afternoon, I’d agree it’s odd but I think it’s pretty standard not to have a lot of information released right about now. My guess is we’ll have it this morning but I could be wrong. I don’t care what race he is. Guy is a fucking piece of shit and should die.
  8. I grew up in the east bay right next to Walnut Creek. Really nice area so sad to see it there. This isn't Pelosi's district and the article does say they arrested two people so I expect more to follow once names are given up. But I agree, shooting them on the spot would go a long way.
  9. People in life just don't know how to pick the right battle to fight (because there are some worth getting upset about). Luckily they dropped their initial outrage about the teenage black girl that lunged at someone with a knife a few months back, forcing a cop to kill her.
  10. So I watched the video for the first time in over a year. The video clearly shows self defense but something I missed was apparently the first shooting isn't caught on camera (the molester guy). Am I incorrect and there is a video? Or is it in this one? The video starts off with him being chased and people saying to stop him because he shot someone. And then proceeds to show him killing skateboard guy and wounding bicep dude. If not, my gut tells me Rittenhouse probably acted in self defense with regards to that first shooting but there is no definitive evidence that I'm aware of.
  11. It's great that they recorded this but maybe next time call the cops while it's happening. Maybe someone did but from the short clip, didn't appear anyone outside did.
  12. Meh. The last remaining ones have pretty much left but the core group left during Trump. Any time a thread got bumped from five plus years ago just reminded me how much more fun this forum was back then with a whole lot more people contributing. Pretty boring now compared to back then. St1ck hasn't logged in since November 1 and Rico only makes periodic appearances. Oh well.
  13. Seriously. Not sure why mmc is waiting for Joe to improve his life. You never know when things can turn on a dime but like I have said before, my life has been pretty good with Obama, Trump and Biden as President. I'll attribute that to myself.
  14. If I read and understood this article (from July) correctly, Biden has been approving new leases on drilling. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/u-s-drilling-approvals-increase-despite-biden-climate-pledge With the keystone pipeline being only eight percent complete when Biden nixed it, I don't think that was much of a factor but I could be wrong. Gas actually started to rise in December of 2020 when things started to open back up. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-inflation-consumer-prices-prices-economy-f12aae35ce29cf65debeb09050f2b651 A big part (but not all) of this is supply and demand it would seem but I'm no expert. I would defer @mtangelsfanif he cares to come back to the cesspool known as the spin forum.
  15. I believe when Biden woke up from his nap, he did call out China and Russia. Mainly for not attending the summit in person (which people will argue was better for the environment) but apparently they just did pre-recorded videos of something. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/02/cop26-joe-biden-lambasts-china-absence
  16. Arch originally posted the actual quote and not the “paraphrase” from Jason. Before he did that, I thought what Jason had been saying was the actual quote. I feel slightly betrayed.
  17. Agreed. We should be consistent with everyone we give money to and what we complain about. Unfortunately listening to Trump or any other politician though is not going to help because it’s all about the talking points and therefore the inconsistency of what people get upset about.
  18. I didn’t say Israel was part of NATO. I’m talking about how people complain about NATO not paying their fair share but don’t seem to speak up about how much we give for Israel’s defense.
  19. NATO needs to pay their fair share but I seemed to have missed people saying the same thing about Israel.
  20. Trump is basically just a "comment section" of a news article spouting shit. Good to see Israel has no power in congress. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-house-backs-bill-provide-1-billion-israel-iron-dome-system-2021-09-23/
  21. Another to add to their collection. Sounds like he convinced his family, through his death, to get vaccinated. Unfortunately that’s what it took for it to happen. https://www.ksl.com/article/50273105/west-point-father-dies-of-covid-stroke-family-encourages-others-to-get-vaccinated
  22. The narcissism is kind of a dead give away. But the Alec Baldwin pot shots are good.
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