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Everything posted by zenmaster

  1. If Pujols returns to St. Louis day numbers I'll eat my left shoe and post the video to AW.
  2. Good - I predict Simmons hit's better than we thought and hovers at or around .300 Bad - Santiago never finds it this year and finishes with more losses than wins and an ERA well over 4. What do you all think?
  3. I guess the positive sign is that he didn't go lower than his last game which he could hit 78 consistently. I'm pretty sure he is nearing as hard as I can throw and I haven't thrown a ball in 10 years.
  4. We should trade kubitza for freese, Joyce, or Blanton.
  5. It's better than that hot mess of Featherston and the left field cluster of old guys who can't hit.
  6. So Adam would rather retire than have one more year of having his son around 24/7 during home games/stretches and get to see all 162 games in person from awesome seats? I'd be pissed if I was the kid.
  7. I just realized his name is Jett and not Jeff
  8. Expect Arte's wallet to remain closed until Hamilton and Pujols are off the books. Only another 5-6 years now?
  9. Regarding Weavers decline in MPH, what do pitching experts out there say about his mechanics? You'd think if he lost such velocity, someone would be able to point out a physical reason he lost so much. Is he doing something differently? Or same mechanics as always just no ooomph?
  10. This make less sense than my 2 legged dog that goes for walks but only goes in circles.
  11. He should learn the rainbow ball instead of the knuckler.
  12. Don't most position players probably throw 78 when playing catch?
  13. The second you throw a 78mph fastball you should schedule your press conference to announce your retirement.
  14. Looks like all that stretching made him worse. I wonder if he can throw left handed?
  15. OMG World Series bound! Weaver is back, Simmons can hit, Nava is a lock for batting title! Nice inning really
  16. If the guns are reading high then what is Weaver really throwing? 77mph heaters?
  17. By the 2nd month of the season we will either be calling Eppler a genius or a moron.
  18. And had he not been awesome the rest of the season we wouldn't have been near playoff contention.
  19. Did Op get a Shakespeare thesaurus for Christmas or something? Who talks like this?
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