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Everything posted by UndertheHalo

  1. Blackmail. The business was blackmail. Kompromat is control.
  2. I promise you he was Mossad/CIA. Both him and Ghislaine.
  3. I saw someone claim it was the death card. lol. Imagine if that guy just drops dead lmao. HILLLLLLLLLLLLLARYYYYYYY
  4. Don’t believe in it or anything but it’s really funny to imagine god making Stephen Hawking stay retarded in hell. Lmao.
  5. Andor was objectively excellent and probably the best content in the whole series. Rogue One was fine. I personally enjoyed the force awakens the most of the new ones - mostly because it just ran with the formula that works from A New Hope. Of the prequels the Revenge of the Sith was the best by a lot. Attack of the Clones (2nd one) was the worst. A genuinely comprehensively dog shit movie. Empire Strikes Back is the best movie in the series imo. But all 3 of the originals are fun. Return of the Jedi is the weakest of those three.
  6. We must be brave truth tellers!
  7. There’s always good old Clint Eastwood. We can’t take Clint from them. He does rock.
  8. You need to go to Floplag for this. He has personally encountered incidence of voter fraud but has failed to report it. Very sad imo.
  9. Yes, this is a whole other problem. Also, a substantially more complicated problem.
  10. They all love means testing shit. It seems to me that the Trump administration set some nebulous tbd “low income” standard for price relief and then Biden admin reversed that before it became effective because they claimed the administrative cost would be too “burdensome” If any of them gave a fuck about making sure Americans could get insulin they would just nationalize production and make it available - simple answer. The end. Like everything else in this country the matter is settled by the people who have money to pay off politicians. In this case, the various pharma and medical interests make money off of insulin so that is that.
  11. Just doing my part to get us back on track
  12. I think Kyle Kubitza should not be in the hall of fame. Just my two cents.
  13. lol. Isn’t the issue here not being a team player ? It didn’t have anything to do with “shelter in place” Major League Baseball had their own rules that they enforced.
  14. Maybe he’ll be the first guy ever that the Angels make be less shitty. Many new horizons possible in the after Ohtani times.
  15. And that’s when you had (civil rights act) the great party flip.
  16. Absolutely. After reconstruction fell apart other than slavery going away the concessions to the southern land owners (who happened to have essentially the same interests as the northern industrialists) were almost total. really other than literal in chains slavery much of the social order was not truly changed until the civil rights act.
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