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Posts posted by hats4bats

  1. That isn't what you said. You said "anyone saying they aren't a playoff team should be banned". There is a huge difference between saying the season is over and not agreeing that this is a playoff team. Also the implication that only people who look at the team in a positive light can post here.


    That has everything to do with opinions.

    It just pissed me off seeing some on here already throwing in the towel. Their opinions of this team differ from mine, yes, and there is nothing wrong with that. But why must some continue to crap on the team? I'm no super fan myself, I cuss out my television nightly and see the flaws they have. I don't go out and say we aren't gonna be any good for another 2 years so let's just pack it up...oh by the way I'm going to post a bunch of my opinions(that's fine) on my favorite teams forum crapping on them. So many people do that here and I think to myself "WHY ARE THEY HERE THEN?" To vent? Maybe. But if we aren't a winning team now in their eyes should that surprise them and make them angry? Shouldn't(in my opinion) So I post my opinion on their opinions and I get crap for my opinion sounding like it's the end all be all of opinions. Well that's your opinion..see how that works? I know it's all pointless since I'm an enemy here now but I just thought i'd expand on my feelings.

    And bring on the negative talk, that's what make this forum awesome, the reason why I follow it,  and why it's popular...also why it's unpopular to actually support the team and not nit pick. Go Angels

  2. Here's to hoping we make the playoffs and anyone saying they aren't a playoff team getting banned. Yes it's an opinion but to say they aren't a playoff team and rooting for 15' and 16' is stupid. Why are you even on the boards? Take a year off and come back when you believe the team will be ready to compete. Call me stupid but in 2014 I say GO ANGELS!!!!!!!!

  3. I am a total nerd.  Watch episodes of "The Universe" to fall asleep most nights.  


    Did you know that the coldest known location in our solar system is actually on our very own moon?  You'd think it would be Neptune or one of the other outer planets or their satellites, but you'd be wrong.  


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