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Everything posted by James

  1. Having season tickets is still great even when the Halos arent good. You get to watch the rest of the great talent still and enjoy the highest level of baseball.
  2. While I agree with most of what you say here, the team is a bad product right now. Unlike others. We all live on a budget and one has to make a decision what to spend their hard earned money on and finite free time. Just because you choose something else doesnt not make you less of a baseball fan.
  3. Can I blame it on the government for allowing it to be sold in my hood?
  4. Yeah, that was an odd comment although thats the type of company they are. It would make some sense though since they already produce Brown Shugga as a limited release at the same time.
  5. I will be bringing growlers of The Dudes lineup to this event. .
  6. Their website still says it is a limited release. I really see little reason to make it year round. There is something to be said about creating a buzz with some of your beers by limiting the production.
  7. Plenty of choices in SoCal for baseball besides the Halos. SB is a better product right now.
  8. Interesting, I never saw an official release saying this was the case, I hope that is the case though.
  9. Don't think we will see it year round. I haven't heard that they were considering doing so. I am sure we will see it again but it was brewed only because they couldnt handle the capacity of Brown Shugga at one point, I think 2011.
  10. You drive here and I will drive the rest of the way.
  11. Can't say I agree on the similarity but they are both excellent beers. Sucks is the best value you can find.
  12. I doubt anyone will be willing to make the drive however anyone interested in the Sierra Nevada Hop fest in October? Walking their hop fields while drinking IPA's. Its like the Field of Dreams for beer geeks.
  13. I don't think so but I could be wrong. I believe it is Monday everywhere and probably won't be at local stores till mid week.
  14. Glad you like it. Drakes makes great beers. As for Stone, the 17th Anniversary IPA comes out Monday. Honestly, the next Enjoy By seems to be shipping to too many states. Pretty sure it is going to be very similar to the last batch.
  15. I know I probably should but I don't think I am going to do so.
  16. The only thing better than feeling like you are sucking on a bunch of loose gutter change is sucking on a bunch of loose gutter change soaked in concentrated tomato soup. This must have been the thinking when some genius at AB inBev decided to release the Bud Light Chelada. http://www.beerguyla.com/dave-hates-your-beer/dave-hates-your-beer-budweiser-chelada/?fb_source=pubv1 Hilarious.
  17. Of course Lou liked your post. Shocking. My point was many have talked about what a jerk he was in high school, most of us were jerks at that age. Some fans need to let it go and just enjoy watching young talent.
  18. Anyone who condones the use of performance enhancing drugs clearly are ignoring the big picture. Either that or you are just plain stupid.
  19. Najas has began announcing the beers for IPA week starting this Thursday at 2 pm. First two beers announced: 120 Minute IPA Pliny the Elder Good start...
  20. Yep, they have Goose and Leffe because they are a part of InBev.
  21. It has become very easy to find if you really want it.
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