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Everything posted by James

  1. the one on the side of the street that Alpine is on?
  2. Crooked Stave is now available in CA. Awesome beers.
  3. its a long drive, I just make sure I come back with a case of IPA's and some reds. I havent paid attention to the prices at the liquor stores but I assume they make a buck or two off of each bottle.
  4. I don't do that. What time will you be there? I just go to the two right across the street from each other.
  5. Sounds like a great idea! Change the whole organization, that usually works out well.
  6. Got to try Eagle Rock Yearling last night. A very nice rendition of a Flanders Red Ale. The sour cherry is awesome. Bottles should be hitting the shelves within the next few weeks.
  7. He could have been replaced in Pulp Fiction? Really?
  8. Good news for Craftsman fans, finally a place to go get their beers after all of these years. http://www.latimes.com/features/food/dailydish/la-dd-craftsman-brewing-finally-gets-a-tasting-room-and-its-got-great-food-20130731,0,4564045.story
  9. Looks like I know where to go after Bootleggers on Sunday. Or Xata on a cinnamon randall? Yes please. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/The-Bruery-Tasting-Room--White-Chocolate--Or-Xata--More-White-Chocolate-.html?soid=1102018859823&aid=kpzZusFCogU
  10. Adoree is an unreal talent. My lady works at Serra and I attend much of their athletics. Good kid and on the field he is tough to bring down. His build and elusiveness reminds me a bit of Barry Sanders.
  11. Katie knows whats up, Bruce apparently does not.
  12. Pretty hyped up for Feb. Hotel booked for RR and now SF Beer Week announced it will be starting the same day, usually beer week is a week later. Going to be an awesome 5 days.
  13. Temptation is at any good beer store right now or at least was at one point this week.
  14. Angel City will finally be available in stores next month. Also, be on the lookout for cans from The Dudes which are already being seen around town. Too many beer events last weekend, looking forward to this Saturday. Alpine bound.
  15. If one of them backs out, I will do a trade.
  16. Closer to Societe...Helms, Hess, Rough Draft
  17. Casks today at Naja's: Habanero Sculpin w/ Mango Dudes Outsourced IPA w/ Lychee
  18. To me Dogfish 120 is made to kill palates and shock people. Younger is made to be a top notch IPA. Vinnie brings a high ABV without losing the depth and complexity of the hops. Dogfish has little to no hop character and is just overly potent with alcohol. A good IPA, in my opinion, is well balanced with a ton of hops but yet smooth. Hence why Alpine is considered the holy grail.
  19. It does taste different each time. This one was pushing 19%, a bit too strong in all honesty and like I said taps are set too cold for the beer which messes it up. When I have had it at 16% in a bottle it was pretty good. Younger is another beast. Last year was the first year I made it out to Russian River and it was incredible. Three weeks later I had it at Tony's and it had lost some of its depth. Naja's event is all week. How often do you go there? We head over there a few times a week usually.
  20. I find this curious. Quite frankly I think it is one of the most overrated IPA's in the world. At 18% the booziness is overpowering and you get zero hops as a result. I am not saying it is terrible but it isn't that great in my opinion. I think many people like it because it is hard to find and that they are supposed to like it. I have had it on tap and in a bottle. The bottle is much better as out of the tap is too cold for the brew. Only reason I started with this is because the first beer is 11 bucks with a glass no matter what you get so may as well go with the most expensive. Beer of the night was Knee Deep Hoparillo.
  21. I inferred a bunch of bullshit? Now that is funny.
  22. Like I said, blanket statement that is highly inaccurate
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