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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I just watched all 3 of the Naked Gun movies this weekend. I miss Leslie Nielsen.
  2. I have been using Firefox for several years but I was having all kind of issues using it with the new site. I have started using Chrome and is working much better now.
  3. Wish we had young pitchers with this kind of upside.
  4. i didn't realize violence against women was legal up to this point.
  5. I thought it was going to be a trans fat issue. Either way the school is stupid.
  6. Pretty cool stuff. The floating mug seems to be pointless though.
  7. Can I say none for my answer? Never really cared for them.
  8. Seasons 1-3 of The League are available on Netflix. I can't stop laughing on every episode.
  9. I'll have to say Modern Family. I've seen it a couple of times and it's not good.
  10. Don't own a PS3 so I'm out.
  11. She has a couple of "areas" that are fat.
  12. She's still very young so there is a lot of time for her to become trashy and ugly.
  13. Since I was no longer 12, I missed out on pro wrestling in the 90s.
  14. I'm starting to think this administration doesn't know how to budget this.
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