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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Yes, I am ok with this. If your are capable of working and don't, you are a bum. No society or business can survive with loads of people who consume more than they produce. This is the very reason abortion and eugenics are so popular with socialist. They no damn well it won't work so they need a way to control the population. Liberals are perfectly ok with 1 million babies a year being murdered but shit their pants over the 28k dying every year without health insurance. I prefer everyone be born and give everyone the chance to compete. Life has winners and losers so does a free society. Hard work and the Grace of God is the only way to achieve. Equal hard work doesn't always have equal results financially. Equal misery can be achieved in socialist communist nations. They have quite the track record with that. I believe the very country you are in has it. Ask them how is is working out? Most poor mexicans are under universal care. China's system is looking pretty awesome currently. I used the UK to at least be fair. Also in fairness, the Canadians and Europeans do better than poor countries but we have financed their defense for the last 70 years. They also suck compared to our healthcare.
  2. Amazed how an alleged ignorant old rich guy is holding so many internet intellectuals down. Currently, unemployment is pretty low. If you are struggling, maybe put down the keyboard and get a first or second job.
  3. I am fully aware of the phones and never said it was Obama. Reps certainly are not innocent with those. I don'y want anyone dying but the reality is a lot more die on socialized medicine than the free market system. Life isn't fair or perfect. There isn't a perfect solution. I prefer a system where I can work or pay for my insurance and get my piece of the healthcare pie. I don't want uncle sam controlling the pie and who gets to eat. Their isn't enough money or providers to cover everyone. I had rather compete for my healthcare. Are you really comfortable with Trump running your healthcare system? I sure as hell didn't want Obama running mine. Big government is great until you lose an election. The American people on both sides need to wake up and get back to limited government and standing on their on two feet. Our forefathers were persecuted and imprisoned for over 400 years. They failed multiple times before landing in America. Most died the first few years. The king still didn't care how unfair we thought his policies were so we whipped his ass. Those Americans wanted less government not more. Sadly today, half our country can't figure out how to support themselves and their offspring in the wealthiest nation on earth. Life has never been all that fair. The United States is the most benevolent country ever and still has some terrible scars. You want to be successful? Trash those skinny jeans and vagina hats. Grab some wranglers and a work gloves. Lose the excuses and envy. I am sure 3 shitty boats and the British Army were not the dream scenarios for our Forefathers. They improvised adapted and overcame.
  4. I hope it gets repealed and he signs it on the golf course. Hopefully, his plan is radical enough that people pay for their own shit. Most of these obamacare bums have a gov cell phone plan, food stamps, and gov housing. Things happen in life and I am ok with helping people in need temporarily. We have to stop welfare from being a way of life. It is really sad half the population can't wipe their own ass unless Uncle Sam provides the paper.
  5. Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O'Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city's reputation Straight from the modern dem playbook,
  6. glad to see the dems wake up on this one. People were pretty quite in 08 but there were a lot of questionable decisions that pushed Obama passed Clinton. Obama just happened to be the far left favorite so nobody screamed. The Dems owed Hilary for playing ball and the 2016 nomination was her reward.
  7. Did consume about 40 nuggets to keep the boys bigotry cell counts up
  8. Maybe later. I have a 90 mile drive to a pride rally they call youth soccer practice
  9. Not going to rant but this virus should probably concern the libs more than corona. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/gender/men/index.html
  10. In reality, a border wall and tight travel restrictions are the best way to contain the virus. I don't think we need to go batshit crazy over this thing. It isn't the first or most deadly virus to face the planet. Dems going back to Alisnsky's rule number 9.
  11. Sadly it is 90 miles but the reality is it is only an 80 min drive.
  12. Just hope their need for pitching doesn't drive the mid season trade price up too much.
  13. Not saying they are a majority, There is a growing number of conservative kids who are tired of the PC crowd. Most are not old enough to vote but don't share all the same views as the skinny jeaned pansies a few years older.
  14. Did Russia change its name to coronavirus?
  15. Yes my son and all his classmates have them. Many are minority military brats. Lot of the kids are rebelling against the liberal bs being thrown there way.
  16. and they couldnt have adopted those kids in many states other than California
  17. I can confirm this. Home is about an hour up the road in North Carolina. Unfortunately North Carolina has been overrun with libs who moved south.
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