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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I will use an article from the liberal rag cnn in October 2009. I wouldn't expect snopes to snoop that far. This was on page two of my search https://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/24/h1n1.obama/index.html
  2. Nice logo. I was waiting on snopes or media matters. However, you can match the announcement with the death toll numbers from original articles and see snopes is not fact checking their fact checks
  3. I agree. I don't think anyone connected my response to Obama's H1N1 response. He waited until 1000k died before doing shit. They were on Trump's ass before 1 person died.
  4. He needs 1 million infected and 1k dead before he takes action. No sense in worrying about it until then
  5. I think he was counting on the dems passing late term abortions. He didn’t say birth on
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/stepfeed.com/amp/iranian-cleric-thinks-applying-violet-leaf-oil-to-anus-can-cure-coronavirus-5569 The Iranians have found a cure
  7. It has been a goal of mine ever since tdawg won. Just never had the time when kids were small. These guys make me laugh in here.
  8. he will never be the athlete Obama was.
  9. The dems probably accepting defeat for the presidency. They hope to keep the house and have a shot at the Senate with Biden. I hope Bernie's crew sits out and they lose everything. Sadly, the nutless reps will fail to accomplish much despite full control. Republican congress screwed it up in the 90s and failed to pass the last budget prior to losing the house. It is disappointing. When the dems win big, they ram it down our throats.
  10. Pretty funny my insider buddy was the guy who started the Cruz Carson controversy in Iowa. He gets carried away sometimes. I knew it was him before the news ever broke the culprit.
  11. I just called him that because he is from Ohio and I always forget how he spells his name.
  12. After doing some research, most of the gay infections came from the middle east and asia.
  13. Obama is a closet socialist. He hasn't changed. His followers have. They went from pecker tucking socialist to full blooded communist with their dicks removed.
  14. As I Cruz voter, I don't think he had establishment support. Early on they had Huck trying to skim religious voters from Cruz. All to help Jeb. Had Rubio and the Ohio queer got out, Cruz could have unified the never Trumpers. They stayed in key states like Florida and Ohio. I know a guy who worked for Cruz and he said had Cruz apologized to Mitch the establishment was going to back him. He did not so they didn't force everyone out. I don't think the reps thought Trump would win so they were ready to do business with Clinton. My friend now works for team Trump.
  15. Well, most the dads are out making money. The few that show up are wearing soccer pants or queer jeans with a starbucks cup. The lack pf physical work and gluten free kale diets leaves their bodies looking like 8 year old girls. Most learned conflict resolution at the faculty lounge or corporate meetings. I show up light a smoke with black coffee from circle k. It is obvious I don't eat vegetables but I am built like a man. I learned conflict resolution growing up at the MLK center and Parris Island. As a victim, of poverty syndrome, I am still willing to settle any dispute with fists. Not a badass by any means. I do teach the boys the importance of fighting and not to be ashamed of having a pair of nuts. The boys don't get that in school anymore. It may not top women's love of money but they do like having a man around when we play in big cities. Nothing sexual about it but rich white women roll with my family when the kids play near the ghetto. A few of the real men, make their wives travel with my family cause they know most these dads are a .bunch of pussies. They know I am going to protect the flock
  16. That don't take work. I am old fat and passed my prime. The athlete and military left me with just enough testosterone to dominate the soccer dads. Consolation prize for me being the poorest. The woman seem to enjoy me setting the example for the boys.
  17. I am sure there is some cheating going on. It is the dem party so we should expect that. We should also expect the far left will never accept any major election defeat. They never lose. Someone cheated or the rules of the game need to be changed so they can win.
  18. You are right and both parties are guilty. Just wish our people could come together and understand this isn't a good thing.
  19. Well, I don't do much typing anymore. I should have expected stickalinsky to go all rules for radicals on me. Of course he didn't sign a million but he did attempt amnesty through the process.
  20. I understand the young progressives / socialist being upset. The cheating and corruption is widespread in the party primaries. The Republicans have tried similar tactics but have not quite stooped to the dems level. Hopefully, you can now see the gross levels of corruption drove that Americans to Trump. How can we trust a part to run the country who won't allow a transparent process in their own primaries? Its mind boggling the left can see all this political corruption on both sides and continue to beg for the government take over of everything. Until Jesus returns you will never have a benevolent all powerful king so stop giving power to all these assholes.
  21. Progressive is a socialist. I know they like to deny that but the reality is there is no difference. Obama originally ran much more center left than far left. His base and people who pay attention new he was extreme but the average nonpolitical voter was fooled. If you remember Obama was "evolving on marriage etc.”. I can see how we differ on opinion. As a conservative, I see obabamcare, gay marriage, and a million executive orders as extreme. Progressives view Obamacare as a failed attempt to achieve single payer. If you read Obama’s books and pre presidential conversation’s there is no doubt he is a socialist and supports a lot of Sanders platform. I think the conflict in the democrat party is how fast we get to socialism. The Sanders crowd has taken off their socialist mask and the powers at be prefer to nudge the country in that direction. It is also pretty common in other countries for the far left to split. While we disagree on how Obama ran and achieved his plans there is no disputing Obama's effectiveness as a politician. Bernie's fatal flaw is way to open with his love for socialism
  22. Obama is a socialist. He was just smart or evil enough to run as a centrist. Those of us who followed know he is every bit as radical as Sanders. Kinda like if you like your doctor you can keep him or obamacare is a fine not a tax. He knew all along both were not true but the ends always justifies the means to the left.
  23. Pete not going to miss this chance st covering Joe’s six
  24. LOL I like stick. Probably did look like I was calling him out. I was speaking to the masses on that post.
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