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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I agree. Don't like any of those choices. We don't need someone bending over for the UN or on trade negotiations.
  2. Well, the dems inability to run a primary is a good example of incompetence and corruption. Both parties have ran up 23 trillion in debt. The VA healthcare system is a small example of the governments inability to run healthcare. Active Duty isn't much better. The Post Office is bankrupt and sucks balls. Government housing is not all that nice. The government is pretty good at spending money, redistributing wealth, and population control. The CIA and secret service can get pussy anywhere in the world at a moments notice.
  3. No the issue is one side can't can't process simple truths. I used mad dog in humor as part of an abortion debate. The big story is the 1 million lives lost yearly the left clearly supports. You won't discuss abortion but won't to challenge me on my knowledge of wine. It plays across every issue in leftist politics. I am climate denier if I don't support your big green lie because climate changes is Science. When the debate changes to gender, you try to convince me a girl can have a dick despite scientific proof it is impossible.
  4. You lefties have been saying that since the 1950s and we keep finding more. I am for exploring all energy when it makes sense. None of Obama's made much sense unless the goal was to fill his donors pockets. The green energy debate ties into how old the earth really is and who created it. I will educate the room soon but I am about to give the old lady the best 3 minutes of her life.
  5. http://www.ghettowine.com/maddog/ Same company but I don't think they consider this $5 wine Kosher. I many not be a smart man but I know cheap booze and where to piss it out after consumption. You leftist on here will no doubt dispute both.
  6. Those words could be used to describe Bathhouse Barry as well. I would say the glaring differences are energy independence we have now vs Barry's big green failures. The economy is doing pretty ok as well.
  7. No worries. It is and I have made a few girls at work cry not meaning to. The numbers I use are pretty sound. The left avoids it because abortion argument because it defeats their myth of supporting minorities and truly caring for people. Happy Bday and will move on to next topic
  8. No worries. I am not framing anything just speaking facts and truths. I don't won't to judge the mothers. We all make mistakes and there is forgiveness. I do blame a system that preys on the poor and minorities while claiming to fight for them. 1 million a year since Roe v Wade and not all states report. My body my choice but the injection goes in the baby's head. If they use the vacuum, it goes in the mother but the poor child is sucked limb from limb. Hopefully, you can see why I have no sympathy for some jobless jackass art major from Stanford crying about his life situation. He got a chance and a choice 40 million did not.
  9. I agree both sides lie. However, there are conservative truths that will stand alone. The lefts entire agenda from energy, taxes, healthcare, to the bathroom must be argued as individual issues. Collectively, the won't stand. Healthcare for all except those we execute in the mother's womb. Ted Kennedy cried for years for gov healthcare. The one life he had a chance to save he left in the bottom of that lake.
  10. I don't believe either you enjoy killing babies. You just lack the balls to say the practice is morally wrong.
  11. Yes, she hard to critique. Latino women are my weakness. It was hilarious they celebrated women's empowerment by sliding up and down poles. Overall, a success in my book. I would rethink the kids in Trump cages protest. They were pole dancing in the largest human trafficking market in the USA and not a word to raise awareness for the Hispanic kids being sold in that city.
  12. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/jul/25/supremeinsidercom/did-obama-admit-being-born-kenya/ Sure it was a Freudian slip.
  13. Trump's grades are not important. He knows all the best words.
  14. I am quite sure there is something he doesn't want people to see. He probably paid less than he wants people to know. I'm assuming Obama failed economics or maybe checked Kenyan as his nationality on his transcripts.
  15. Obama needs to tell his comrads it is ok to smile. I look at the faces on the democrat stage and it looks like someone sharted and the smell is unbearable. All except Joe so I figured he must have been the culprit.
  16. Don't be so hard on the establishment. Bernie's dream and their dream is the same. The timeline and openly discussing it is where they differ. I despise Warren as a liar but she isn't the first to claim something she wasn't for a benefit. I fully believe Obama is a US Citizen. That said, why did he seal his college transcripts? He became the most powerful man in the world.Is he really that afraid the world might learn he had a C in college algebra or did he get some money tagged only for international students?
  17. No doubt she tried to be the most woke in the room at all times. The woke bullshit don't sell to everyday Americans. The liberal platform doesn't include truths that can stand alone. The lefts' platform requires carefully packaging lies to hold together a lot of single issue voters. Obama was a masterful politician and only was woke when the crowd called for it. Hell, he cold even change his voice when speaking to black people. On the larger stages, he spoke to the masses and tried to be more center left. He is a tough act to follow for all the dems. His radical policies and disregard for legislative procedures made non political Americans politically engaged. The next dem to win needs experience selling Amway and/ or a national emergency to get elected. Pretty sad when they have 40% taker population in the bag and only need to sell the bullshit to 5-7% of the remaining population.
  18. Cheap booze brand from the hood MD20/20.
  19. Neither was Ms Sanger or Progressive Icons Teddy R and W. Wilson. Lets see how long it takes to get snoped or media matters fact check on this one
  20. I know. What a stupid idea to think all babies should live and vaginas were made to satisfy men. I am batshit crazy.
  21. I will gibe you the Obama's CDC did address it in April roughly about the same time Trump has now. The contrast is how quickly everyone was on Trump. H1N1 was on our turf and Mexico's from the beginning while corona was overseas.. I don't think Obama mishandled it but the media reactions are certainly different today towards Trump. Flu deaths are not an exact science but most doctors today feel the swine flu deaths were much higher than reported. I don't blame Obama but rather saying get off Trump's ass.
  22. It can be overkill but relevant when dealing with liberal logic. They are so concerned and compassionate over uninsured dying or the common cold. Meanwhile, they continue to push expansion of 1 million /year baby killing operation and promote unhealthy lifestyles with our young. I smoke and will look at boobies on tv. Neither of which should be promoted or encourage in our schools. I am sorry if I offended anyone.
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