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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I know there isn't going to be large exponential growth in the number of AW posters who can comprehend this video.
  2. Our laws are and should be based Christian values. I don't want the federal government involved in most of the decisions. There should be room for state and local governments to legislate according to their culture. Backwoods Missouri may not want a transgender strip club in their town but LA may be perfectly ok with it. The people in those areas should be able to decide those issues. As long as state and local laws don't violate the constitution, the feds need to stay out of it. If Missouri doesn't support strip clubs an individual needs to move somewhere that does. I don't believe we force everyone to be straight or to go to church. There should be some common ground found with murder and stealing etc. The government should have never got involved with marriage and other personal matters. There is room to coexist peacefully if both sides don't push their beliefs on the other. You had prohibition coming from religious progressives in the past and that was a disaster. Today, we have the left that is more unwilling to bend. Look how unpopular I can become on here just saying gay is wrong. The atheist and LBGT are more intolerant than those they accuse of being bigots.
  3. I agree with you and disagree with them. There beliefs are between them and God. If they want to be accepted in the modern democrat party their views change to the party line. The reps only support a few christian beliefs because they need us to win.
  4. Well aware of that. I doubt he is truly saved but he has been very supportive of Christian causes. This board is very reflective of the libs in general. When arguments of substance arise the libs immediately move from the issue at hand to Trump or if a a liquor brand I named is ghetto. Reminds me of my son when he fails to meet expectations. But dad everyone else does it or I did better than most. Neither are relevant when applying to his behavior and achieving his best.
  5. Never said the reps are the party of Christians. The reps have abused the Christian vote much in the same way the left has used the black vote. The dems are the party of abortion and butt sex. They don't leave Christians any room coexist. How many pro life democrats are still in the part today? Weather you are Christian or not the world would be a better place if we applied the principles in our daily lives. The traditional family is still the most successful way to raise successful children and a civil society. Not saying good kids can't come from broken homes but it is much more difficult. Our prisons and society is full of lost individuals from broken homes. The left more than the right has a general disdain for traditional values and traditional families.
  6. Some very good points. I think you stated the hope and dream of the media and dems. Personally I am going to get a hell of a discount on my Santa Barbara trip this spring. Now I just need the media to link this to smoking Marlboros. Could be an economic boom in my house.
  7. I wouldn't get my news from the fox babes. The littlle boy with glasses on msnbc is more accurate.
  8. Give it try! You can use the trailer park if you prefer.
  9. We could definitely save some money and quit defending the rest of the world. Lot of waste in the military and all departments of government. Being unable to defend your belongings and land had never been a sound strategy on the playground or for a nation/kingdom. Give your theory a test. Grab all your money and nicest clothes then go visit your local projects unarmed every night for a month.
  10. Yes, he was probably enlisted during the Obama years or under Clinton's dont ask dont tell
  11. Sometimes you have to put thoughts and words into action to achieve your goals. You confirmed Western Europe is Better though you prefer Eastern European forms of government. I say go for it. Europe has always been against oppressive forms of government so it should be a win for you.
  12. The most complete and articulate thought from any leftist on this board.
  13. Why aren't you crazy leftist moving there in droves?
  14. No. An addict must first admit they have a problem. Blaming others or pointing to others short comings isn't going to fix an individuals problems. I can't justify stealing a car because the dealer has 200 and still to greedy to give me one. The greedy man can continue to be evil and greedy. There is a a warm eternity waiting on him if he doesn't repent.
  15. Jesus solves this problem for us. Christians need daily forgiveness just like anyone else. I don't deserve a pass but the good Lord provided us with a pass.
  16. Envy really sums up the problem of the left. They don't desire Gods will in their lives but rather covet what their neighbor has. Their lack of faith creates worry and anxiety over things they can't control. They have no fear or understanding of the eternal so they don't value God's plan and believe there total value is comprised material things they currently own.
  17. Yes and a couple on a daily basis. The difference is I believe they are true, seek forgiveness and continue to try and break them less often. The left doesn't believe in truth and wants to change the law to fit their individual failures.
  18. Most of them if he is anything like the rest of us.
  19. Cruz is one of a few conservative good guys. I wish he had one but trump may have been better choice just because he has a wider appeal. Would have been interesting to see the hate come at Cruz. Christian values May be the only thing the left hates more than trump. A little odd since God only has 10 laws and the dems want massive laws and regulations from politicians. Of course God doesn’t have the historical perspective and knowledge of modern day progressives. He just an old boomer
  20. So tell me, who has it better than us? The Europeans would all be licking socialist or communist boots if it wasn't for us. The French would probably choose to lick ass.
  21. America would be a better place if we had more billionaires. If you don't like rich people, the world is full of countries with a booming poor population. The only rich are government officials but you will never have to meet a billionaire. Many are very green and eco friendly. Some have enough shit on the ground you will swear it is San Fran.
  22. You know it. Wait until he pulls out the hurricane steering machine this fall. The left really going to be pissed.
  23. Everyone deserves a chance at life. How they choose to live it is between them and God. Neither of these ideas have ever been popular with progressives. Your progressive forefathers had some real interesting ideas pertaining to minorities and disabled populations.
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