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Turd Ferguson

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Everything posted by Turd Ferguson

  1. This is probably a stupid question, but if that's the case, why trade him now? i.e., why trade him now for cash instead of including him in a subsequent trade?
  2. It says a lot about the state of our 2B position when pretty much everyone that is raised on this board as a potential option, I think "yeah, why not, that's an upgrade."
  3. These are probably the same people who excoriated Trump after he said in the 3rd debate that he didn't know whether he would accept the election results if Hillary won. I don't recall there being riots, at least to this extent, after Obama was elected.
  4. So given that we gave up our "8th best" prospect, this was essentially a salary dump by Detroit. I'll take it. Definitely worth the risk, though I'm a little bit concerned about his durability. As others have said, with his $9M salary, I wouldn't expect too much being added by way of FA this offseason. Probably a good thing.
  5. I think you are safe for the next 10-12 years
  6. There still looks to be outrage... http://www.twinkietown.com/2016/9/29/13100196/was-the-ricky-nolasco-trade-a-mistake
  7. So to these guys not play with cups? I use one in beer league softball, I can't imagine not using one in MLB.
  8. Yeah, I definitely overreacted to that one a bit. In all fairness, it was borne more out of "is this all we can get?" moreso than I thought Santiago was a huge piece going forward. But it seems like that trade, entirely contingent on Meyer now, is pretty low risk/high reward. Sorry Eppy!
  9. Yet another well intentioned thread devolving into utter nonsense. This is starting to get real damn old.
  10. I'd be all for this. For us to be competitive soon, we need to make these high risk/high reward type moves.
  11. Exactly. A productive Pujols, Thaiss, and Cron seems to me like a best case scenario, not a problem. I hope that's a "problem" we have to deal with. These things tend to work themselves out.
  12. Let's just go for broke: keep Escobar, get Puig and Gomez, lure Guillen out of retirement. Let Mang earn his paycheck and keep all these guys in line.
  13. He's a free agent after the season. Trading/claiming him now wouldn't do much good for next season.
  14. He hasn't been bad since the AS break, so worth a flyer.
  15. If we are in the gambling sort of mood, wouldn't Puig make sense? Maybe it lights a fire under him enough that he either helps us or improves his trade value enough that we could flip him elsewhere? Maybe a veteran like Pujols could get through to him? If the doggies are willing to sell low on him, it'd be worth looking into.
  16. I'm with you here. I don't mind gambling on prospects, we have to at this point. In fact, I wish we did more of it. But this move, to me, smacks of the "rebuild is not in our DNA" mold that has been the mantra of this FO so far. I didn't expect Santiago to bring back much (though I'd be lying if I said my hopes weren't a little bit up seeing what relief pitchers were bringing back) but I did expect a bit more then a pitcher with a miserable MLB track record and shoulder problems. At the end of the day, it's hard to get too worked up about this trade. It was obviously made for Meyer, I think everyone can see that, and I hope it pans out. What does concern me though, which I think is along the lines of what Doc said, is that this organization continues to cling to this belief that this is a close to competitive team and its philosophy is skewed toward making the team better today or next season, even if it means taking a greater risk/getting less value in return for whatever minimal assets we have. All this philosophy does is continue to set us back, in my opinion, and makes it tougher to be competitive in that 2018-2020 window that I think is a more realistic target.
  17. That wasn't scapegoating Sosh. It was an observation that perhaps the money we are paying our manager would be better spent on getting a competent FO.
  18. If anyone was advocating us trading Trout to reboot the farm, that should be off the table now. I don't want to even imagine how bad this organization would boot that deal.
  19. Sosh is making $6M/per until 2018. Think of the type of GM we could get for that money.
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