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Everything posted by Rochambeau

  1. What? ?? A NOHITTER in the works? Sure hope I don't jinx his NOHITTER. Not every day you see a NOHITTER!
  2. Was looking to buy some of that sweet gear, but alas, seems to be defunct. Anyone know if it moved or just folded? Thanks.
  3. Ummm.. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-angels-20140505,0,5332313.story#axzz30nwRZesF
  4. I am concerned with the alarming frequency that umpires forget that if MT takes a pitch, it's a ball.
  5. MSNBC will hire a non-Marxist. Fox News will declare Benghazi a non-story.
  6. I feel the same way about the one that says 97% of the Old Spice that has ever been sold was sold in NYC.
  7. Morin threw strikes all right and they were hit firmly. His breaking ball was not functioning at all, which would likely be attributed to the fact that he was nervous as hell being his ML debut and all. That's human. And that's what Scioscia has to manage, humans. And he does so based on a career of handling pitchers, from behind the plate now from the dugout. He has to lean on that experience to try to assess how he feels a pitcher will perform on a given night and throughout a long season. And he was right. Morin in a high leverage situation with the lack of stuff he had last night could have cost us a game. As it is, he picked the perfect time to pitch the kid. We like to give nicknames around here. So I may start calling him 2XMOY. And I would propose that 2XMOY is more adept at handling pitchers than anyone in our little peanut gallery here.
  8. It's like he's channeling some old, drunk, Jewish aunt.
  9. A Thu game against the Tigers shouldn't be too expensive. If you want to splurge a little, I still think Terrace MVP is the best value. Great sightlines and can be had for around $55.
  10. Yankeefan threw it back. Even their radio announcer said "I would put that ball in my pocket. "
  11. I guess my parents didn't raise me right because I don't understand these guys that just give up such a valuable item for a picture and a few souvenirs. It also bothers me that very wealthy athletes might feel that they are entitled to the ball.
  12. Yeah, I remember her. .. Wait, no I don't.
  13. We don't even have all the facts. What if he was asking for 13 years with a 7 year opt out? That would carry all the risk and minimize the upside from an Angels point of view.
  14. Mike Trout is probably less likely to slide into 1st head first than he was yesterday.
  15. The narcotics issue is very real I would think. Will his recovery be slower because he doesn't have the luxury of effective pain killers?
  16. By the time AOL opened their boards I was already posting on Usenet. This was in the days pre-www. I didn't like the AOL boards because it was like one big rant thread after another. It wasn't until my service provider stopped carrying Usenet that I ended up here.
  17. Because they don't want to look stupid overcharging for tickets for Friday, I am unable to lower the price on my tickets below a 50% markup. I just wanna get my money back on a game I can't go to and it looks like I am going to have to eat my tickets unless I turn to StubHub. I haven't been wanting to go back to StubHub because it so much easier to just post on the exchange but you are leaving me no choice. And once I get comfortable using SH? Well, that'll simply be where I sell my tickets and then you won't get your cut any more. I predict "dynamic pricing" will be a dynamic turd. The Angels have to artificially prop up the prices so that they don't have to explain to customers that got scalped for $95 why the guy next to them paid $50. And when the market price of a ticket is $50, it's $50. And their no forwarding until 24 hours before game time rule is OBVIOUSLY to hamstring people trying to sell electronically on StubHub. It's a massive inconvenience. C'mon Arte, I am all for capitalism and profit motive, but when you resort to strong-arming your most loyal customers... You wonder why season ticket sales have cratered? It's hard enough to justify pouring thousands of dollars towards tickets but when the SSHs recognize that you are screwing them over, it pushes that many more of them away. Here endeth the rant.
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