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Everything posted by QuinlansMinion

  1. The one guy we had who could become an ace, traded for a slap hitting shortstop. How much better will this team be with Simmons defense at short compared to Aybars defense.
  2. Agree to disagree I guess. Some people are okay with losing as long as the team is rootable. Others want to win at all costs.
  3. So the goal here is to get rid of a Gold Glove caliber shortstop (Aybar) and a young talented pitching prospect. To get another Gold Glove caliber shortstop, who cant hit.
  4. Again, get over it. Im tired of losing.
  5. He was an all star last season. He hasnt had any reported incidents other than his Ped scandal. Hes never been a distraction in the club house and he goes to work and does his job. Thats more than you could say about most of these current Angels. Braun isnt some clubhouse douche like people think, hes not going to come here and be a distraction. And with as much talent as he have, he might really thrive in a new environment playing with Trout. Theres no denying Braun is a superstar talent. Now if theres better options available, thats a different story. But if we have a chance to get Braun, we shouldnt pass it up just because some Angel fans want boy scouts only.
  6. So we have one of the weakest lineups in baseball and here we are talking about trading pitching for a SS who cant hit. This is getting comical.
  7. Thats cute how compassionate you are but I could really give a shit about Brauns morals. Lets get some guys who will come to work and hit. Some of us are too tired of losing to care about the nice guy quota.
  8. But hes entirely fine with signing a coke head.
  9. Braun isnt on coke or whatever drugs Hamilton was doing. He isnt a bad teammate or anything like that and as far as I know he doesnt loaf around on the field the way Hamilton does. Between the two of them Hamilton was far worse so this mentality of every Angel needing to be a nice guy needs to stop.
  10. It might have something to do with the fact that the guys hitting in front of and behind Trout are garbage, and Ryan Braun might be able to help this team win games. Believe it or not winning is a high priority to some people as opposed to the keeping the teams nice guy image. We willingly spent 100 million on Josh Hamilton, Braun is not anywhere close in the scum department.
  11. This thread is a joke right? This has to be one of the worst trade proposals ever on this board.
  12. Trout had a higher OPS and hit the same amount of homers while playing in a park and division thats twice as hard to hit. Youre trolling if you think Donaldson had the better year. Will Donaldson get the MVP? Probably because the voters are idiots. Doesnt mean he had the better season.
  13. It sure is classy to make fun of a guy for the way he looks.
  14. Its a good thing we'll never have to worry about Pujols and the RF wall. He cant hit the ball to the opposite field anymore
  15. If Lackey was willing to come back here for a discount would you take it?
  16. Yeah lets completely shut down an idea that would help the team win.
  17. How awesome would it be to hire Erstad for manager, GA for hitting coach, Percival for pitching coach, and Salmon as GM. Before all the hate and criticism just remember, 1 playoff berth, and 0 playoff wins in the last 5 years. How much worse could it possibly get?
  18. The first blown save was due to a solo homer, not the worst outing but ill give you that one. The second he comes in with 2 on, gets a ground ball to the 2nd basemen for an easy out, and it gets booted, not his fault. Last night he comes in and gets the ground ball he needed, again defense boots it. You of all people should know the term sample size. A whole seasons work from a guy who got you there should prevail over 2 blown saves from a solo homer and poor defense. Like I said its fine to bring Harvey out there. But after walking a guy, you bring in your closer. Hes over 100 pitches, and hes already dealt a ton of stressful innings this month.
  19. Uhh, but it was that clear, and he wasnt replaced, thus its the managers fault. Thats kind of the point?
  20. Id rather sign Greinke than throw money at a position player, if we can only have one or the other.
  21. Ok. Either way, he obviously wasnt trying to walk the leadoff batter. Under no circumstances can you allow that to happen given who your opponent is. Once he did, it was clear he was done.
  22. It was fine to leave Harvey in for the 9th. But he went to 3-2 and then walked the leadoff batter. Thats just something you dont do, and if you cant throw a strike down the middle its pretty clear you've got nothing left. Should have went to Familia immediately after the walk. Thats what cost them the game. You bring in your closer with a runner on 1st and a 2 run lead, couldnt ask for a better situation.
  23. Do the Royals have money like a big market team now? I get that KC is a dump, but they just got a ton of revenue.
  24. Differene is Pujols is still a smart hitter with plate discipline.
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