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Everything posted by QuinlansMinion

  1. So theres this thing called the internet. Its actually kind of useful.
  2. Not looking to get into an argument about that, but Owens was a very very good receiver in his prime. He was the best receiver in the league for a pretty long period in the NFL. You seem to confuse talent with personality.
  3. This guy is un fricking believeable
  4. Not saying they wont but its no sure thing. Syndergard could just as easily match Arrieta.
  5. Hes terrible at holding runners. Cubs are screwed tomorrow if they cant get a win from Arrieta.
  6. Never thought they would before it started. Their a young team who strikes out a lot, Mets pitchers are all nasty. Offensively, Mets have some veterans who are coming up huge.
  7. And to think the Cubs have to face Harvey 2 or maybe 3 times. Then they gotta go against Syndergard and Degrom twice. Damn.
  8. Guess who has less money to spend when he blows it on crappy players?
  9. I agree with Murphy's opinion about homosexuality.
  10. People have been raving about the Cubs young power offense. If it were me personally id rather have the Mets trio of aces.
  11. This guy has absolutely no plate discipline. Pass.
  12. Great regular season player. He sucks in the postseason.
  13. Do you think Arrieta and Lester compare to Greinke and Kershaw?
  14. Alright you win Strad. Im wrong Howie was so clutch and hes an Angels legend.
  15. This is so stupid im not even going to try and argue it. But just out of curiosity what exactly do you remember?
  16. Thats nice but he still was terrible for the Angels. So no, im not wrong. One good series doesnt excuse 3 other terrible postseasons. Wrong, and im the one thats too young to remember? 2007 3 games, 10 at bats, 1 strikeout, .382 OPS 2008 4 games, 17 at bats, 7 strikeouts, .235 OPS 2009 6 games, 19 at bats, 3 strikeouts, .826 OPS, had 5 hits in the postseason including a home run and a triple, 1 RBI, posted a .300 OBP 2014 3 games, 13 at bats, 5 strike outs, .385 OPS Just for good measure, he had a .727 OPS in his only series with the Dodgers. Like I said, sucks in the postseason. You guys want to keep being delusional, be my guest.
  17. My narrative has always been he sucks in the postseason. Ive told you 100 times, I dont care about division titles as they mean nothing. Do you think Texas is still feeling good about winning the West?
  18. I think the fact that he was terrible in just about every postseason might have something to do with it. Doesnt fit your narrative so you conveniently must have forgot.
  19. I dont hate you or anyone on this board. Were all Angels fans here. I even like Oz too. But if you wanna call me out or throw insults thats fine, it seems kind of stupid to do it in a thread I never even posted in.
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