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Posts posted by LAAMike

  1. I am not a Dodger fan but I feel that it is strange that the All Star Game, which is notorious for ignoring recent performance in favor o f the big reputation would not have an obvious Hall Of Fame pitcher on the NL roster.

  2. Although he will probably be on the all star roster after Sunday's pitchers are off but it is incredible that he is not elected to the All Star Game by the fans, the players or the Coaches.

  3. Why would we be looking to MLB to police this situation. If laws regarding corporate espionage were broken it will likely result in either the Federal authorities taking action or the Astros may have a basis to bring a lawsuit against the Cardinals. Then it will play out in court. If the Astros prevail, then damages will be assessed by the Court. So why is MLB expected to take action before it is proved in a court of law that a crime occurred and the Astros were damaged?

  4. Arte once said that he would spend whatever is necessary and that his goals are not met until the Angels win a championship.

    I wonder if the City of Anaheim, coupled with the fails of investing in Pujols and Hamilton have changed his approach on things. I don't think Arte is going to spend any additional money on Jerry's patch work rosters. Is JB Shuck still waiting by the phone?

    JB is batting .281 for the White Sox in 32 AB (all singles).

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