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Posts posted by LAAMike

  1. We all like these shiny numbers out of spring training but we all need to bear in mind that in many cases these pitching stats were racked up against scrubs/prospects/journeymen at the end of their career. I do like the numbers that we have been seeing the last few days as these are more like the batters that will be faced once the season starts.

  2. I guess Chuck is referring to my general "oldness".  I cannot remember the first game I saw at the Big A.  I do remember going to the Coliseum when the Dodgers first came to LA.  I also remember the California Sun and the Anaheim Amigos.  I now live in Camarillo and like "tomsred" find that this is a long haul to Angel Stadium. 

  3. As Stradling mentioned this acquisition was not purely an on the field issue.  The Dodgers were going through a bad spell with their previous owner and his divorce, etc. and Arte and the organization saw an opportunity to seize some market share and also position the franchise for the big TV deal that followed.  From a purely baseball standpoint the contract with Pujols was probably too much and too long.  In the bigger picture the Angels accomplished some other goals which makes the Pujols contract very successful in my opinion.  I still enjoy watching one of the best players in the last twenty years perform for the Angels and am very appreciative of Pujol's strong work ethic and the other values that he brings to the team. 

  4. Small sample size so far but if this trend continues it appears that the members of this board are very impatient and are not inclined to give existing management and ownership the benefit of the doubt which they should as they really do know more than us.  I would hate for many of you to be my boss with such a short fuse and unrealistic short term expectations.  These things take time and in the meantime we are in the chase every year.  I can only hope that this short term point of view does not extend to your own personal financial planning. 

  5. I think that everyone is being too hard on Arte Moreno.  There were some special circumstances regarding the Dodger management and ownership that Arte saw as an opportunity to put a dent in the Dodger's control of this market.  Additionally there were the negotiations regarding the TV contract where having some big name players and "making a splash" made sense.  I have been disappointed in the International market and the Angel's response to these opportunities (which has been heightened by the wave of Cuban players due to normalization) but overall I really like Arte Moreno as an owner and as a human being. 

  6. Lou, Several of the players that you mentioned were traded for by players drafted by the Angels.  Perez for Conger - Santiago for Trumbo - Street and Gott for Taylor Lindsey, Elliot Norris, the infamous Jose Rondon, and RJ Alvarez - Kubitza for Nate Hyatt and Ricardo Sanchez.  So we used up our minor league prospects for current roster players.  Don't get me wrong I am not in love with many of our draft picks and we have lost a lot of high draft picks with the Pujols,

    Hamilton and Wilson signings. 

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