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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. any thread that begins contains "any true fan will..................." is the definition of lame.
  2. 1. You didn't relax anyways. 2. What did it do for you to be worried about it?
  3. I would really love to go to the game and watch Trout go 0 for 3 with 2 k's. That is fun right there.
  4. Don't even know how to respond to this. I'm flabbergasted.
  5. Come on Glen, they could recast it with Common. or Tyler Perry
  6. I could still never, ever root for the Angels to lose and baseball is not football. Draft picks are not sure things.
  7. Or maybe somebody who views some of you guys as being pessimistic. It can just be that you know.
  8. This isn't high school or college sports. These are multi-millionaires. Why would they "fear" getting yelled at.
  9. I don't see that az, I doubt very much the Pujols contract damages this franchise much at all. Getting rid of a bunch of our prospects over the last few years is much worse.
  10. A par three in Hawaii I hit the pin on two bounces, it rolled about 4 feet away and I missed the birdie putt.
  11. I see the pedo's are in Oregon, Minnesota, Mississippi, South Carolina and Michigan. Also, I'm pretty sure the Texas one is a typo. It should have said "Steers"
  12. Why is killing people with chemical weapons any different that killing them with axes, machetes or guns? Again, what do we think to accomplish? Are we going to take down that government? If so, then what? We cannot keep doing this.
  13. Arte needs to re-evaluate the entire organization at this point, at least the baseball operations portion. He needs to be willing to spend money on the organization like he is willing to on free agents. With good scouting and a stronger organizational structure, the team will be headed in the right direction.
  14. So you are talking bombing. Chances of innocent civilians getting killed 100%
  15. That is another good point. Is Syria more important than the countries in Africa?
  16. Funny thing is, at my tourney, we stopped doing it because nobody ever gets close and we could spend the money on better prizes for other stuff.
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/golf-devil-ball-golf/man-makes-million-dollar-hole-one-054206309.html Normal dude hits it big. Pretty cool.
  18. Ok guys, you can stop now. Do not railroad this thread.
  19. That is what always struck me about earlier critics of Sosh. It wasn't enough that the team was winning. They were supposed to win a certain way. (not the way the were winning, clearly).
  20. Especially considering we, many times, are the evil. Or at least were part of it.
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