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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. I get what you are saying tobias, I just think the right way to look at it is somewhere in the middle. At some point the Muslim world has to own this and shake it off. I don't want to say that they are all to blame because they aren't. But the track record of Islam in the last few hundred years has not been good. Whether it's terrorism, civil rights, poverty, corruption et al.
  2. To Fan, I can pull bible scriptures that sound almost exactly the same as that. To tobias, I didn't say that nor did I ever say that I blame them all or the religion in general. I just won't be unwilling to say that it is muslim extremists doing it. To Jshep, well I agree, who likes Catholics anyways?
  3. People cause conflict Nate. Come on, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. These are all men who despised religion and were three of the biggest mass murderers in history.
  4. That would be a great point if I had argued that Christianity didn't have blood on it's hands.
  5. Do you really believe they are just using Islam as an excuse? They really believe what they are doing is right. It's not an excuse to them. This isn't just a few bad apples, this is a whole hell of a lot of killer apples. and many who don't do the killing applaud those who do. And many who may not even applaud the killing still subjugate women and have horrible civil rights records.
  6. Every era, government, movement whatever is stained in blood. Godlessness doesn't get a pass, just ask Stalin and Mao. That doesn't mean that people living in that day who are moral shouldn't call them out.
  7. If you want to toss out an entire discussion because of a three word term in the title feel free. I'll look for the one's you have started about these tragedies instead, I'm sure they will be much more politically correct. Although I might look for awhile and find none and then assume maybe you don't really give a rats ass about what is going on.
  8. I know that they are killing in the name of Allah. Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, anyone who doesn't believe what they do.
  9. You have Pakistani, East African and Kenyan. There is one common denominator. It's not race, creed or color. Is it your argument that Islam has nothing to do with this?
  10. This isn't the moonies bugging everyone at the airport. It's not having to hide because mormons are at your door. This is college students being slaughtered in their sleep. This is killers specifically choosing to kill others because of their religion. Are we really going to act like this is just a nuisance? Isn't he just saying that Muslims are killing people who aren't muslims at an alarming rate?
  11. No, drafts are an exact science. The Angels will automatically get the 15th best player and this will prove out exactly over time. Just like it does every year.
  12. I don't see where he says all Muslims are killers. Have we really gotten to the point where we shouldn't be able to say the truth due to being insensitive? Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan all have seen mass murders by groups citing the same religion in the last week, is this not true?
  13. Wow HM, this is a horrible point. Nothing changes from forums. Baseball teams don't run differently because of postings either, but we still do so.
  14. While they were sleeping. For the life of me I can't understand how people can do this to each other.
  15. Sorry I missed this thread yesterday. To answer Kurt's question I did play golf but it was an 8 man scramble and it took almost 8 hours to play. Thanks everyone!!!!
  16. "At least there will be an entire offseason without those horrible 'predict my comments' threads"
  17. He has a sore hammy, a little rest was a good thing.
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