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Everything posted by Ender

  1. To be fair. You'll probably still win. Our bullpen, as you have seen sucks, and we have no closer. Our best two pitchers Brennan and Swarzak have been used already.
  2. I mean I said we'd suck eventually. The pitchers we've faced these last 6 games have been really unfun.
  3. I guess the final 4 episodes are all about 80 minutes long. Winterfell – 54 mins Episode two – 58 mins Episode three – 82 minutes Episode four – 78 minutes Episode five – 79 minutes Episode six – 79 minutes
  4. https://twitter.com/ShahbazMKhan/status/1117632744056606720
  5. Finally beat Sekiro the other day. 32 hours in total. Love me some FROM Software games.
  6. Glad it's back but I was a little let down it was only 53 minutes long. Episode went as I figured, mostly a reunion episode. I'm so tired of Euron Greyjoy and Cersei shit though already. I think Jon doesn't know how to react knowing that he banged someone / loves someone who he is related to. I feel that is weighing on him more than being the rightful king. I don't think he cares about being king. We'll see in the next episodes. Only 5 left!!!!
  7. Leblanc! Get your mediocre lefties right! And Paxton was always kind of a head case. And oft injured. He'll figure it out though and his numbers will be a bit better I imagine by the end of the season.
  8. You should worry about the Astros much more than the Mariners!
  9. I'll watch all of the UFC's as usual, but I cannot wait for UFC 239.
  10. Amazing PPV. Khabib is going to maul anyone he faces though. And I don't really like Khabib at all.
  11. Whoever wins is going to get smashed by Khabib though.
  12. God I'm just not sure. I think the judges might have it 2-2. I also think Dustin is winning 3-1 and Max needs a stoppage ... but what do I know.
  13. Not sure. It could be 2-1 either way. Max landing in volume these past 2 rounds. But I do lean 2-1 Poirer ... he seems to be getting way more tired than Max though.
  14. I'd love to see Conor fight either of these two now. I know he's beaten both, but they are both different fighters now .... as is Conor. I'm worried about Poirer gassing.
  15. Holy SHIT at this one too. I'm gonna lose but I'm ok with it!
  16. I think I'm finally gonna win money betting on the UFC ... have a Adesanya / Holloway / Krylov parlay. Don't F*ck me Max!
  17. Yeah that was pretty Facking insane.
  18. Adesanya / Gastelum is awesome 2 rounds in.
  19. Good. Yawn. I'm busy watching UFC as I boycott Queen Felix starts now. Thank you for the updates.
  20. I know I know. It really can't compare to Anaheim.
  21. Fixed it. I think I saw you under a bridge on Fremont in Seattle when I visited last year.
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