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Pancake Bear

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Everything posted by Pancake Bear

  1. Thaiss is probably in the minors unless there’s injury or more than Rengifo is moved.
  2. Is he available? I haven’t seen any chatter on him being able to be had.
  3. Fletcher also a huge fan favorite, young and cost controllable, elite defense and contact ability, doesn’t strike out. That’s the kind of guy you hang on to unless it’s in a trade you just can’t walk away from and it’s the only way to get it done. That isn’t Kluber.
  4. No chance Canning traded for Kluber. I’m thinking more a move for a Clevinger type (I don’t think he’s available).
  5. Do you have a pick for both? I feel like Maddon is up there in clubhouse presence and motivating players. Less sold on his in game management. Ausmus made good in game decisions, IMO (others probably disagree), but seems like he maybe wasn’t the greatest at Maddon’s strengths, and those are a bigger deal.
  6. If we assume Fletcher isn’t getting moved (as I hope) and it’s Rengifo, where does La Stella play? Obviously it depends how you solve the Pujols conundrum. If he’s gifted regular starts regardless, it doesn’t matter. But, I mean... I dunno how you can justify Albert playing every day under the circumstances. La Stella isn’t exactly gifted defensively, to say the least. Fletcher is elite defensively and solid enough offensively. I feel like if Tommy La Stella is still hitting like Tommy La All Star next season, you gotta try him at 1B when Ohtani is DHing and maybe DH when Ohtani is out of the lineup. Clearly Rendon is playing every day, as is Simmons. Obviously, with potential injuries, a hole may open up, or La Stella may not be the same player in 2020. But Fletcher seems to indicate 1B is a legitimate possibility. Thoughts? Obviously we don’t know who is getting moved for pitching yet, but we can still speculate.
  7. I know it’s Russo and thus meaningless, but did he give any reason for that or was he just pontificating bloviating again?
  8. I’m split. I love Canning’s upside and contract status. I’m concerned though about his ability to stay healthy long term. If he gets moved in a trade for a controllable starter who is more reliable, I won’t cry, but I’d probably rather keep him.
  9. If we’re guessing, I’ll throw out a guess of Klubot.
  10. I don’t know if we can quantify the difference yet, and I don’t think they’ll help keep guys from getting injured. That said, I have every confidence that Maddon and Callaway will squeeze all the ability possibke out of every player. I agree it should make a noticeable difference.
  11. Pujols as a bench player from now on. Darvish and Klubot. Maldonado. Thanks, Santa!
  12. Chuck, just remind them of this: They are definitely not done.
  13. Nice. Why is ZIPS so down on him, I wonder? Typical for ZIPS?
  14. That'd be my picks plus a trade for another pitcher. Who that will be is gonna depend on the cost, which I have no way of knowing.
  15. Can’t see it costing that much. Off a down year with two years at 18m for a 34 year old. If it’s that much or more, I pass.
  16. 7 years for a pitcher is a really long time. Less so for a position player. Also, Strasburg is a couple of years older.
  17. My opinion of Bum aside, he has a QO attached. It isn’t just money.
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