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Pancake Bear

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Everything posted by Pancake Bear

  1. 1) Then Arte shouldn’t say he’s all in. 2) How can the Yankees outbid us when their whole team and rotation is better than ours, their team is best in the AL, and we need an ace more than any team in baseball?
  2. If Arte didn’t authorize 300+, not Eppler’s fault. If the poor offer is on Eppler, fire him now.
  3. Arte spends a ton of money. He just doesn’t spend enough on the right players. He claims to be all in and wusses out.
  4. Yep. It was a lot of fun winning the 2009 WS while the Yankees sat at home with all their expensive players.
  5. I’d like to hear anyone who genuinely thinks we can be competitive without Cole outline what player or combination of players will accomplish that - not only regular season, but playoffs, because to my eye unless we get absurdly lucky this team has no future the next 2-3 years at this point. Sure, they might be an okay regular season team, might even make the Wild Card every year. But I don’t see a way this team becomes a legitimate contender before 2022 at this point.
  6. Nuts to Arte. So much for him being all in and actually being about winning. He’ll always be second fiddle because he looks for bargains on has beens.
  7. This is it. If you’re already offering that much, how do you come up short to a team with better pitching and a better overall team? We had the need and offered less. Incomprehensible.
  8. Madison Bumgarner wants 5 years and over 100 million. I think he’s worse than the four guys who are currently locks for our rotation, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise. If you think Bumgarner is worth that money and is a genuine impact player, explain why his 5 ERA away from SF last year doesn’t matter. Explain why his diminishes velocity isn’t an issue. And please do so without reaching back to the playoffs five years ago. Because to me, this is just another Weaver or King Felix who is toast. Defend your guy.
  9. I seem to recall reading during the WS that Cole didn’t like hitting. But I might be imagining that.
  10. Yeah, no. 100% disagree. Only if you think 2019 is their ceiling.
  11. In fact, let me double down. If we’re grabbing three pitchers, they’d have to be cheap options. Bumgarner is gonna be twenty, and yes worse than the four guys we’ve already got. Ryu? Price? That makes us this year’s version of the Twins. A good regular season team that can’t win in the playoffs. There is no jewelry for teams that go conservative when they have a need for a big time player.
  12. Hope not. If the Angels front office think that, they’re fools. Morosi has always been dumb as a box of rocks. Who would these 3 pitchers replace? Ohtani, Heaney, Canning, or Bundy? If they sign Cole, that’s five guys. Incomprehensibly stupid.
  13. Tonight or tomorrow is possible. Word is a resolution is likely before the end of the Winter Meetings. Rule 5 draft is Thursday, so probably before then.
  14. To me, losing Cole means ending up with a handful of secondary pitchers. That turns us into the Twins of 2019. A good regular season team that will probably get swept in the first round. If we make it that far. I think we need that clear number one, and there’s no other guy like that.
  15. We ought to be the favorites because the Yankees don’t need him. We do. I think it comes down primarily to money and there’s no reason we should be outspent. I’m just nervous that the Angels decide they won’t spend the max or Cole just really wants to be a Yankee.
  16. Going into the offseason the Angels were the favorites. Going into The Decision, the Yankees are, apparently. Gonna be a lame few hours/days until this is resolved, and worse if he goes to NY.
  17. What is it with people and Bumgarner? 5.29 - That’s his ERA in 85 innings on the road last year. 4.97 - That’s on the road in 2018. This guy is a #4. Take him out of the NL and SF and he’ll turn into a pumpkin. This is Jered weaver all over again.
  18. Only reason I wonder is when Maddon signed, Arte was quoted as saying going over the luxury tax is unlikely. That could have changed, obviously. I hope it has.
  19. I doubt this person knows jack. If they did, the Angels being out on Cole would be public knowledge by now.
  20. Basically, I see trading Wilson as essentially saying “We’re going all in on the next five years and not worrying as much on the couple after that.” Dumping Cozart says they’re willing to do that in exchange for getting a bit of salary relief. That suggests they’re spending money. Whether Arte is actually going over the tax or just wants more flexibility is not yet clear.
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