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Everything posted by JoJo26

  1. I remember that Scott Hatteberg dinger...like the one they showed in MONEY BALL. Crazy game...rooting against the A's.
  2. Nava looked worst than me the first 2 ABs.....Whatta joke. Flipped over to Happy Gilmore....next stop - USA Soccer.....(My Gawd, I'm choosing soccer over Angels baseball. Thanks Arte)
  3. Been watching part five of the OJ ESPN thing...so I missed most of the game. Observations: Angels Uniforms & Hats are dope. Weaver is a pro The A's must have tickets to the Warriors game - or they want to get the HELL OUT OF THAT AREA! Oh yeah...a modest 74 in Ventura....
  4. Cron goes 3 for 5 Wednesday ...gets benched Friday...goes 3 for 5 Saturday...gets benched. I hate the manager...
  5. You serious? Really? Kendy Morales is better, faster, and costs a ton less...Arte was banking on using Albert becoming the "face of the team", but that pipe dream quickly faded less that a month into season one when this cat named Trout appeared. NO ONE goes to the park to see Albert...
  6. Compared to what kinda coin he's getting....it's MENDOZA LINE as far as I'm concerned.
  7. I'm going to up the ante! Favorite / Least Favorite: C - BENGIE / Mathis 1B - SPEZIO / Tex 2B - AK / Featherbat SS - ECK / Fubar 3B - GLAUS / Wood LF - GA / Wells CF - TROUT and ERSTY (tie) / Finley, GMJr (tie) RF - VLADDY and SALMON (tie) / Rivera or DaVannon SP - RYAN / Colon RP - PERCY / Salas or Yan or Rodney DH - FULLMER / Quinlan
  8. Vegas Halo Fan wrote: Another lame home run off his weak bat. Carlos Perez next home run...
  9. His name was too much of an alliteration....which would have thrown off Patty O and or Gubby...
  10. No one was Yogi....but I recall Scioscia playing Bengie more than 3 games in a row.
  11. Duh, let me see if I can figure this out myself....ummmm Carlos Perez is only 25....he can handle everyday stuff. Posey is 29 in his 7th season...The Giants are attempting to spell his legs...going the Joe Mauer treatment...or Mike Napoli....am I sayin' this right? Keeping him healthy? It's simple really...and I'll bitch about it if I want to... Soto is 33...12th big league season...over 750 games. Perez is a pup...and he has batting skills. Mathis had a reverse slump....If Carew or Brett hit a bad patch...it'd be a couple weeks...then back to normal - But Mathis? He sucked his entire career with the exception of his reverse slump vs. NY in '09 playoffs. But, duh...I don't know nuthin'...
  12. Shocking that while Mathis got consecutive starts - Perez had to rotate with Soto. When a hitter can't get into the flow by playing in a constant fashion...hitting skills drop. Platooning blows...but The Mad Genius thinks it's ok. Now that Perez is an every day-er...his batting will improve. And when he gets 3 hits, Scioscia will bench him in favor of Jett Bandy.
  13. I hope SEATTLE - with DiPo - win the AL West... I hope Arte sells the team....to Eddie Bane...who reinserts himself into Head Scout. Then sways Joe Maddon to leave ChiTown... {Then I woke up}
  14. Riddle me this: Who is the GM for Seattle? What team is in FIRST PLACE in the AL West? I'll hang up and listen off the air...
  15. I like how Scioscia starts Shane Robinson the first day he gets moved up...gets 2 hits...runs the bases "The Angels Way"...scores 2 runs...Haven't seen him since. Good Ol' Scioscia - He really know how to play the "hot hand" - yet keeps Albert in Clean Up. Scioscia is simply horrid...whereas Joe Maddon sent the Rays to the World Series and the Cubbies are the best team in baseball...and Scioscia's "platooning" never allows players to keep hot...and stay in rhythm.
  16. What a maroon....Fat Albert was a Free Agent. Bitter idiot...probably waiting in line for St. Louis Rams tickets at the Edward Jones Dome...Oh wait...team's in LA....
  17. Just go to a Seahawk practice and give your best to Cheaty Petey
  18. The Freak and Weaver - Back To Back... Koufax & Drysdale?
  19. Anyone who thought that also picked Leicester City to win the Premier League...
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