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Everything posted by pattimelt

  1. I have a game shift that night at our stadium. If I can find someone to switch, I will go, but don't count on me. If I can get it switched, I'll be one of those that just buys a ticket at the stadium when I get there..
  2. When there are over 200 people who ALL have PDF tickets purchased from Stubhub who are now buying tickets at the ticket windows, you know that the Angels know SOMEHOW that the sellers have put them on stubhub. Don't know how, again, beyond my pay grade, but I think I'd rather spend 10 minutes dealing with parking issues --or for that matter, go into the AMTRAK lot at the stadium and use their tunnel over to the stubhub office-- and get the physical tickets over getting to the gate and being denied entry and then having to either wait in line at the box office or going back over to the stubhub office to have them fix it. And according to their policy, they can EITHER replace the tickets with different ones OR give you a refund. You're already dealing with the delays going over there the first time, so why tempt fate and possibly have to do it again when your ticket is voided at the gate?? I have to admit that no, I'm not a fan of the new ticket exchange. I can't tell you how many times I have purchased tickets from Stubhub myself for Angels games, and many other events. But if someone is going to a "big" game at the stadium, my suggestion would be to get the physical tickets and NOT the pdfs just to be on the safe side..
  3. It seems that they are only "enforcing" it for the bigger games this year. BOTH Dodger games, happened at the Yankees games, too, and I would imagine it will happen at the Cardinals and Red Sox games, too. I had a line of people at my window trying to buy tickets after their pdf file tickets that they purchased on stubhub were voided at the gate. I don't know HOW the Angels know, that's beyond my pay grade, but I do know someone this has happened to, and they had to buy new tickets at my window. Yes, they got a refund on what they paid for their tickets originally, but if you are going to have to pay the price at the window for new tickets when this happens, why not just be on the safe side to begin with and get hard tickets and not pdf tickets??
  4. Nowani, I know what you are saying, but I was just giving a word of caution. The Angels have denied entry for PDF files that were purchased thru stubhub. I don't know what time you get to the park, but if stormngt is like most, he will not arrive until a half hour or so prior to the game. If you showed up at that time, and were denied entry, you could either A) go to the stubhub office over by the amtrak station and see what they can do, or buy a new ticket from the Angels box office and then deal with your refund thru Stubhub later. Either way, you're gonna miss some baseball dealing with the BS. Which is why I stated you want the physical tickets and not a PDF file.
  5. From experience, you should NOT have trouble with Stubhub. BUT, my one and ONLY suggestion when buying with them-- make sure the tickets you buy thru them are the actual tickets-- DO NOT buy tickets that are sent by PDF file, as those were the ones that the Angels denied entry.
  6. You GOTTA be kidding me!! TRIBUTE bands??? Nobody is gonna wanna come and see a tribute band..
  7. Hey now, YES, it is.. LOL Ok, so not EVERY game, but the days I work, I can stay at the game for free..
  8. No. They need to hire people that CARE and are willing to HELP the customers.
  9. But see, this is one of those situations that my boss is TRYING to fix. YES, the BIG BOSS is Robert Alvarado. But MY direct boss is Johnny. He was hired to make customer service a priority in our office. And there are those of us in the windows that try to help as much as we can. Some people have been there forever, and, to me, at least, are just there for the hourly wage, and they don't care anymore. For me, it goes back to working at Disney and trying to "make magic". No, I can't work miracles. But within our rules, I can do some things. I exchange tickets for people on a daily basis. I had a customer yesterday that came with 4 tickets to one of these Yankee games, and she needed to exchange them. She had Sunday tickets, but needed Friday tickets because her son was going to be in a tournament. Her tickets FACE VALUE was $85 each.. I got her the same TYPE of tickets (she was in 132, I put her in 131)- AND she had an extra $100.. since there are no refunds, I asked her if she would like tickets to another game, so she didn't have to lose that money. She ended up with more tickets, and only lost $4 from the original cost of her 4 tickets.
  10. But we actually do this on a regular basis for guests that come to the windows, if they need to switch. And at the inside advance ticket windows if you are already in the stadium.. That's what I don't get..
  11. THIS is where MY department is better than the SSH reps.. we can fix stuff like that because my boss believes in giving EXCELLENT customer service.. Nowani, PLEASE let us fix this for you.. Anybody in the office can actually do it. If I was there in a window, I could get it fixed for you, but I'm off all weekend..
  12. Go to the stadium ticket lobby (that green door next to the home plate entrance), and my fellow employees in the regular ticket office can help you and we will switch the seats for you to something where all can go together. Can give you 4 in the actual "wheelchair row" and the rest in the row in front if they are available.
  13. Trumbo is also doing a signing on Friday in Irvine at an AT&T store. The Angels send out a tweet about it, and said they would send more info later, but nothing else from them so far..
  14. They leave from the stadium and come back to the stadium. They all drive to one place and take the team bus over, and TSA comes to the stadium to scan everyone so they don't have to go thru security at the airport..
  15. CJ just tweeted that they have landed at Santa Ana.. so figure 45 or so until they arrive at the stadium..
  16. I would place bets on someime around 8 our time.. Game ended at 3 (our time), so 2 hours to pack and get to the airport, 3 hours in flight.. that makes it 8.. so maybe closer to 830 or 9..
  17. I went to a couple games there. It was miserably hot, even though the sun was down, it was still 109 at game time. By the time the game was over, it was after 11pm, and STILL over 100 degrees. Won't do that again, unless there's a roof. I don't know how the players do it.
  18. Unless you're me.. in which case, the bad day at the ballpark is STILL work.. LOL..
  19. Wish you would have posted this a couple weeks ago.. I just booked a trip... Next one's not until the first weekend of September..
  20. Husband's 2005 MacBook finally died. He needs, for lack of a better term since I'm not fully awake yet, a new toy. Looking for input. He understands the cloud, and how to use it, so that's one less thing I have to teach him, but would have no problem using an external hard drive, either. And while he used to be a "Apple or Die" type person, he borrowed my pc laptop, and now has no preference. He basically needs something that will allow him to surf the web, and can handle the following: Word, youtube, movies, music, flash, java, pdf's.. He travels for work, and one of the deciding factors will be weight. He's interested in that Surface tablet that's advertised on tv, but says if he's gonna pay $1000 for the tablet and keyboard, he might as well spend the other $200 and get a brand new macbook..
  21. Boost Mobile. Yep, I do the prepaid thing. $40 a month, unlimited EVERYTHING, talk, text, web, including taxes. It's an arm of sprint, and I've NEVER had a problem with it, neither has hubby, who travels almost constantly. And I have a really nice HTC Evo 4g..
  22. Yes, it's open to non-season seat holders, but they get first crack at anything for an hour before it's open to the general public. Security keeps us off the actual parking lot until 6am. They normally have us start the line at the Orangewood entrance and walk up from there. But most of the people that arrive that early are season seat holders. VERY few people that aren't SSH show up before 8 or so..
  23. Yep, but then they throw us out and tell us we can't be in the lot before 6 am.. but we TRY to get there early... Security had us line up outside the Orangewood entrance last year until they let us in the lot at 6..
  24. Try again.. Just because I work there doesn't mean that I won't be first in line, like NORMAL... It's gonna be a fun day, cause I actually work at noon that day..
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