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Posts posted by DMVol

  1. There is always the possibility that S-C-I-O-S-C-I-A could be traded to another team. There are some teams that would jump at the opportunity and it could help restock our farm system.


    Not sure it would or could happen but maybe the team needs a new voice sending the message and maybe Mike needs to reboot his system too.

    I think that is a real possibility...not sure it would be a straight trade or more of a salary dump but something like that...I like Scioscia and I'm not sure we'll do better (tend to think we won't)....but I think that is how this thing could very well play out....

  2. First of all, nothing good comes from you calling out posters who aren't even in this thread.  Now, I didn't dismiss it out of hand, I said it was conjecture.  Do you disagree with that?  


    I would also say that your hyperbole is very well done.  

    Hyperbole?  I suggest taking a middle ground and it's hyperbole?  Conjecture? Didn't see you say that...you dismissed it, period...which is your MO on anything you disagree with....

  3. It seems pretty clear based upon rumors from unnamed sources?


    Yeah, clear as mud.

    Dismissing all media reports relying on unnamed or unquoted sources, as you and others (Lifetime, cough, cough) seemingly always do, is rather close minded....I tend to be somewhere in the middle....I don't jump on every media rumor as fact nor do I dismiss them all, particularly if it comes from Rosenthal, who, despite your narrow viewpoint, does have sources and is a credible reporter...same as Olney and others....

  4. Only reservation I have about Green is that I'd like to see him at 3b for the rest of the season....I wonder if that's the best spot for him with this team....unless we trade Howie in the offseason (a possibility), the obvious opening is at 3b and I'd like to see what Green can do there....but, at least he's in the lineup....if he hits, maybe he moves to 3b when Howie comes back...but maybe not...playing Cowgill over Calhoun tells me Scioscia isn't on the "play the young guys with the most potential" page, at least not yet...

  5. Grant Green has no power. College guy that took three years to master AAA and he is still a light hitting infielder. His OPS is driven by his batting average and OBP, which is not bad but it is not one swing game changing. Is he a 3rd or 2nd baseman?

    20, 14, 17, and 11 (so far) HR's in the  last 4 seasons....I wouldn't call that "no power"....and it is potentially more pop than Callaspo provided....

  6. You play the young guys who have legitimate potential to help you in 2014 and beyond....that means Tommy Field and Chris Nelson don't play over Grant Green....it means you play Kole Calhoun over Colin Cowgill and J.B. Shuck....it means Garrett Richards gets his starts even if he is wobbly at times.....it means Rasmus gets recalled soon and pitches more than Stange or the latest reclamation project in the bullpen....

  7. I have been hopeful that Conger might grab the job and run with it....but, despite the Scioscia bashing, I just don't think Conger is an every day big league catcher...he's not done enought to win the job or earn significant playing time in my mind....a good AB here, a decent defensive play there, but then he slips back and looks awful....we need to upgrade in the offseason, badly....and I don't have much faith that DiPoto will get that done....It would be nice to have Chatwood right now....

  8. Green played 3B tonight. Interesting.

    I have to wonder if maybe Green is looked at as more of a long term guy at 3b....Nelson may be filling in while Green gets game time at SLC at 3b....Kendrick injury may change things though....

  9. You know, all joking aside, I'd like to see Scioscia give him a look, not as a mop up guy, but maybe a 7th inning type of reliever...he seems to mostly do ok the first time through a lineup as a starter and then struggles after that....I'd much rather give him a look in that role than release him or trade him and assume most of his contract for next year....if we have to pay him for 14, why not see what he could do in a meaningful role out of the pen for the rest of the year....if he bombs as a 7th inning guy, no harm done...it's not like we're inhibiting the development of Stange or Guitterez....lots of experimenting Scioscia could do right now...but, I expect you'll still see more of Stange, Cowgill and Harris and we'll probably release Blanton....that's my guess...

  10. There is an obvious opening at 3b...if they view Nelson as a viable long term guy there, then you probably keep Green at 2b, maybe explore trading Howie in the off season, let Green and Lindsey fight it out in the spring....if Nelson is just an immediate caretaker after the Callaspo trade and Green is viewed as more of a long term guy at 3b, I'd call up Green and put him at 3b for the rest of the season....maybe call up Lindsey while Howie is hurt or, if they don't think Lindsey is ready, let Nelson play 2b while Howie is hurt....

    All that said, I think Green plays 2b while Howie is hurt and Nelson stays at 3b....at least that's my guess...

  11. They need to get a 5th starter.

    They can't go into it hoping Blanton, Jerome or Hanson may work out.

    Yep...but if Richards keeps it up and Vargas gets healthy and signs a new deal, you're in pretty good shape with 4/5ths of the rotation done....that's a lot of ifs but it's maybe a realistic way to dig our way out of hole this year has been, without spending a fortune (again) in the offseason....Of the 3, Hanson is the only one who might rebound, and that's really iffy...Wms is a swing guy and Blanton, well, he's Blanton....

  12. I think I'd try to keep Vargas....if Richards keeps it up, you've got Weaver, CJ, Richards and Vargas for next year....that potentially is a pretty good rotation....get the pen fixed, for real this time, and hope Pujols and Hamilton rebound and we can be ok next year....

  13. I don't think we can get a high end pitching prospect for Howie right now....teams just aren't trading those guys....it's all a crap shoot but when you look at Corbin, I think most teams would prefer to make do at 2b and hold on to pitchers who are potential difference makers.....the biggest problem with this year's team (although there are many) is pitching....the last two nights being exhbit A.....

  14. I appreciate Scioscia's record---he's won a lot more than he's lost---but this is the sort of stuff that drives me crazy....We're toast, we're playing for 2014.  Colin Cowgill/Cowherd (or whatever the hell his name is) isn't going to be a major part of 2014, he's a spare part at best.  Cole Calhoun has the ability to be more than a spare part....So, why in heaven's name play Cowgill at this point...Absolutely crazy....Calhoun needs every AB he can get for the rest of the season so he can be evaluated.....Playing Cowgill does what for us at this point? 

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