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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Gnarly https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7986553/Does-satellite-image-scale-Chinas-coronavirus-cremations.html
  2. Calscuf claims his bag hits the toilet water.
  3. Government will be reduced when the money runs out and no sooner than that.
  4. I was up in SF this weekend during the lunar new year parade.
  5. Watched Anthropoid the other night. Somehow I missed it when it came out. It's about the men who assassinated SS General Reinhard Heydrich. Really good movie with good acting. The last half hour is super intense.
  6. It’s a play on racist Virginia coal miners and their crazy bluegrass devil music.
  7. Someone wake @mymerlincat so we can know wtf is going on.
  8. Chicken Stip sucks anyway. Glad that limp arm/dick isn’t on our team. Go out and get a real pitcher Eppler.
  9. LMFAO. That bitch will go down in history as a crooked drunk who enriched herself at the expense of her constituents.
  10. Time to sign up for the Climate Corps so I can drive a faggy Prius in the carpool lane going 55 mph.
  11. There are many organizations to volunteer for in Pete’s world. There’s the Hitlerjugend, the Schutzstaffel, the Propagandaministerium, etc., etc...
  12. What is this Orange County Register you speak of?
  13. Lol. Fuck Mitt Romney. It’s laughable the libs like him and Bolton now.
  14. Has Buttigieg claimed victory in New Hampshire yet?
  15. It's going to be uncomfortable to explain to kids what a hanging caucus is.
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