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Everything posted by beatlesrule

  1. This is a pretty silly thread. Hamilton makes gobs of money and has won an MVP before. He will play every game as long as he is "healthy." Forget that fact that he sucks.
  2. I still maintain that he is going to do the right thing and just retire.
  3. Is it bad that I have absolutely no faith in Hamilton?
  4. Come on. We as Angel fans should be used to the odd bunt by now.
  5. How can Aybar actually slide into first base? I would have lost it if he had gotten hurt.
  6. I really hope my prediction of 0-3 3ks and a BB for Hamilton is wrong. Weaver is a flyball pitcher so hopefully Cowgill comes in later for defense.
  7. Amazing finish to the game and to save the no hitter!
  8. A very much needed day off tomorrow!!! Trout's ailment should be gone and all the pitchers will be rested and ready! Oh and go Yankees and Royals!
  9. The problem with your logic is that Hamilton is not a clean up hitter and Howie has been WAYYYYYYY more productive. Have you even looked at Hamilton's numbers? .263 10 hr 44 rbi in 338 AB. Cron .273 11 HR 35 rbi 220 AB Hunter .285 16 hr 79 rbi 509 AB I threw in Hunter because I am still bummed we let him go in favor of Josh. Howie being hot has nothing to do with the fact that the Angels have better options than Hamilton.
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