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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. So, what's the latest on Hamilton?
  2. Anything that replaces what you intend to write with anything else is a win for everyone.
  3. This is interesting. Please provide updates.
  4. Well stated. This is a good way of explaining how you see this as being the same as the Plame incident.
  5. That article states that they have exclusivity on the Liquid Metal aspect of production until 2015. How did they manage to score such a long exclusive? That's so many year.
  6. Erstad Grit, are you a huge Ersty fan or is your screen name delivered tongue in cheek?
  7. Were you under the impression that I didn't feel that way?
  8. Funny that you keep coming back here to get absolutely annihilated time and time again.
  9. Just kidding: http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2014/05/23/pac-12-conference-tax-return-revenue-record/9497233/
  10. Cal has lost what were previously its best recruits for this class. I love the new coaching staff, though.
  11. Limbaugh is a very smart guy. He is a genius when it comes to radio. He views it as theater and knows that in doing so he'll get those that are along for the ride, those that are infuriated by what he says and those who are lock step with his character to listen. He's an artist. He's Stephen Colbert, but without an eye towards satire. He's a bombastic ad selling machine.
  12. Do you have Nova Launcher Prime? If so, just sign up for the TeslaUnread beta here: http://novalauncher.com/beta/ You'll get unread counts on almost every icon you can imagine it being useful for.
  13. I really need to clear out my Gmail inbox, but whatever.
  14. It changes every icon that the app author has created a replacement for.
  15. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
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