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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. I'm not a fan of his, I don't think he's any good and I'd certainly be a better manager than he is, but congrats on putting together what is looking likely to be a Hall of Fame worthy managing career nonetheless. I guess.
  2. They won that, right? I turned the TV off when they had the Cards down to their last strike because I couldn't handle watching their inevitable win.
  3. Albert is kinda like Lou with the thread bumps recently.
  4. It's a former prison colony populated by the descendants of miscreants and criminals. There's nothing great about it. Australia can go to hell.
  5. Pujols is really starting to be the clubhouse guy the organization needs him to be.
  6. Absolutely. It's time for a new WS trophy pic. Do it, Angels!
  7. Scioscia is one of the best managers of all time. The Dodgers screwed up big time when they didn't keep him.
  8. This was pretty easy to see coming, no? It's very sad and I'm not going to say anything horrible about the family for taking this action. Based on what I understand, the university should not necessarily be blamed for this.
  9. Holy smokes. I have a family member that is an ER doc at that hospital.
  10. Meh. That's a bit simplistic.I'm not the least bit concerned about them bringing anybody over here in isolation, though.
  11. Something is physically wrong with him, it would seem. You don't just go from being really reliable to straight garbage with a drop in velocity like that.
  12. It's pretty clear that he's talking about football.
  13. Huh? Where did he say it was airborne?
  14. Was the football stadium affected?
  15. Good point. It is. At least on the planet I live on. Maybe you live on another one, like the moon.
  16. Having a bullpen like this changes everything about watching games. Every game can be won.
  17. Bourjos would fit absolutely nowhere on this team. Perhaps he could have been used to get one of the bullpen arms we have, but at this point who in their right mind really gives a crap?
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