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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. Here you go, mt: http://inhabitat.com/montana-gets-ready-to-legalize-harvesting-roadkill-for-food/
  2. I see that you've mentioned me due to my long history on the board of talking about the radio station in question here. Good call. I'll proceed accordingly.
  3. I'm pretty pumped for the big showdown with Weber State. The season is just around the corner! @mrwicked, we're going to be undefeated in 2017... In quidditch. Also, I decided to Google that after typing. Holy crap: https://www.usquidditch.org
  4. That's very predictably something a lib like you would say.
  5. Nah. F that guy. We got Pujols!
  6. Well, there's also the fact that Avatar sucks and Dances With Wolves is a great film.
  7. This is what happens when you completely avoid a subforum and then decide to jump into the deep end one day. Holy smokes. I bet Lawrence had a good chuckle as he read this. I know that I did.
  8. It's a crap ton less prevalent and isn't close to being legitimized, though, so it's not nearly as dangerous.
  9. That kind of talk will not get you invited to fancy country clubs.
  10. Some are talking about Spicer bolting due to taking a stand, but isn't it possible that he's ducking out before a major crapstorm hits? Investigations like this tend to hit people on tangents, no? https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/business/big-german-bank-key-to-trumps-finances-faces-new-scrutiny.html?referer=https://www.google.com/
  11. Talk about it? Sure. Pretend that it's an effective defense when discussing concerns about Trump? Sure, but it's not.
  12. Well, for all intents and purposes, it looks like you're batting .500. That's pretty solid.
  13. Ridiculous, it was created by our resident Chicano activist.
  14. It's nice to see a country that is so dedicated to international adoptions. It warms the heart.
  15. These people lie so much more frequently than average politicians. Thank goodness we drained the swamp!
  16. I'm sure that you'll figure out a way to make a Hillary Clinton post in this thread. If you're having difficulty, consult Blarg. I suggest maybe going with the "suicide" angle.
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