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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. Which politician has had the same kind of irrational fanaticism as the previous president? I'm not going to call a spade a playing card just so that Jay doesn't get offended.
  2. Yet the propaganda about Syrian refugees is that they're all 20s/30s male Mooslum terrorists who are going to rape our women.
  3. It refers to people who defend and support Trump at all costs, even when it doesn't make sense to.
  4. I wasn't planning to respond that way. I agree with you that it's disgusting pandering.
  5. If she's doing a trial, is it possible she received a placebo?
  6. Wouldn't that be a good thing? Aren't you against a $15 federal minimum wage?
  7. This is true. Dianosaur Feinstein and Joe Munchkin would likely vote against it, along with all of the Republicans.
  8. Are we allowed a "but Trump" in this instance? I feel like it's valid, since his lying and covering up resulted in Biden's lame-ass decision to airstrike Syria.
  9. Stimulus is coming in a couple weeks, kids were upgraded to modified storage units, and we only bombed some building in Syria. /s
  10. And those of us who are under 45 and therefore no longer have cable won't be able to watch.
  11. But @Blarg said Trumpism is a fringe element of the Republican party.
  12. I don't know, but I'm not a fan of military dick contests.
  13. If you like your billionaire, you can keep your billionaire.
  14. st1ck might be the only Biden loyalist here who defends air strikes on Syria.
  15. The same billionaires you will defend tooth and nail if tax reform gets brought up?
  16. How do you feel about Republicans censuring Republican politicians who speak out against Trump?
  17. President AOC will have made college free by then.
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