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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. I have no idea. I think he did a lot more than we realize. For example, he passed an executive order that made it so his drone strikes didn't have to be logged on the record. Before that point, he was on pace to put Obomba to shame.
  2. But how do you know what impact Trump's policies will have? It's probably still too soon to completely understand the legacy of Obama.
  3. Honest question. How can you gauge the legacy of a president less than a month after they left office?
  4. Do you know this for a fact? Have you time traveled to 5 or 10 years in the future?
  5. Your boy was acquitted. Celebrate with an IPA at Pho King Way.
  6. He was the one who refused to hold the trial before Trump left office.
  7. He was just exercising his first amendment rights to encourage a state official to juke the election results.
  8. Murkowski actually voted to convict.
  9. You were in the California Dental Assocation?
  10. But he read something on Facebook about it, so your word means nothing.
  11. Senate Votes to Call Witnesses, Lengthening Trump Impeachment Trial https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/senate-votes-to-call-witnesses-lengthening-trump-impeachment-trial/ar-BB1dEtOu?ocid=smtlch Lindsey Graham was one of the five Republican senators who voted yes.
  12. Trump was just exercising his Constitutional right to withhold the National Guard.
  13. Makes sense. Looks like a hat they'd wear in Big Sky Country.
  14. I was skeptical about that article at first (it's CNN), but they quote several Republicans who claim this conversation did happen.
  15. Both those dudes kind of look like me, but maybe 5 years older.
  16. Either that, or Baseball Prospectus uses the same exact algorithm.
  17. I think it’s silly to focus on terminology.
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