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Everything posted by mmc

  1. I'd sign David Hernandez, Greg Holland, Tony Sipp, or Bud Norris before Rosenthal.
  2. Why are the Eppler fanboys still attacking and being arrogant in every thread that implies our management is doing something poorly even after the thread that Chuck made? Sad stuff.
  3. I'm not going to pretend I know what it's like in that clubhouse after the tragedy and what it's done to all of our guys because I really have no clue, but they're being paid millions of dollars to go out there and compete. They have to perform better.
  4. That's the opposite of what I think. I think the team has the potential to be a hell of a lot better but they aren't mentally there right now. I'm not suggesting our management go on a tirade, singling players out, or saying anything too radical, but pretending that the effort level is acceptable is foolish.
  5. https://www.mlb.com/angels/news/angels-gm-billy-eppler-addresses-recent-skid Our management has to quit saying shit like this. This play is unacceptable. Light a fire under these guys' asses.
  6. It's weird seeing people undermine the importance of having good farm teams. I'm not saying all of them should or need to contending every single year, but it's good for the organization to have winning teams at every level. Not to mention the experience of winning and playing in meaningful games is very beneficial to the development of the prospects.
  7. He had 3 hits today, by the way.
  8. Also, do teams really need to say "we have requested unconditional release waivers for the purpose of granting him his unconditional release." Isn't that obvious? Why else would they be requesting unconditional release waivers?
  9. https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2019-08-07/free-agent-gerrit-cole-angels-sign-scott-boras
  10. Also I hope people realize that despite coming off as an asshole sometimes, I really don't mean to offend anyone and I'm sorry to anyone that I have. There's a few subjects I feel very strongly about and sometimes I can get carried away.
  11. If we're going to continue doing this, I'd much prefer it if we picked 1 or 2 (MAYBE 3) guys that we're going to use as an opener, instead of the seemingly random mix we're going with now.
  12. Just let the starters pitch, who gives a shit if we lose? I'd prefer it if we did at this point, we aren't making the playoffs, might as well get the best draft pick we can get.
  13. Glad to hear everything's ok. As for positivity...
  14. So what are you doing right now?
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