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Everything posted by Claude

  1. The wild cards will be the Red Sox and Indians. I think if our team shows up next spring with everybody healthy and a couple of pitching additions we will be in the mix.
  2. Unfortunately our pitching will ultimately do us in.
  3. Ok so based on that theory La Stella should not be starting in the All Star game. I voted for Tommy as a personal preference knowing that LeMahieu has better numbers. Ohtani in my opinion didn’t play enough this season to get enough support. I do hope he participates in the Home Run Derby.
  4. If Aaron Judge gets in to the All Star game with his 91 at bats then yes, we are to blame.
  5. Somebody reminded him that Albert Pujols will be in the lineup tomorrow.
  6. Great game by Bour. We will see him riding the pine tomorrow.
  7. I did my part also. I’m not worried about Trout but this Lemahieu guy is putting up some sick numbers and he hit another game tying home run today.
  8. We are 230-244 with Simmons in the lineup. Trade him.
  9. We have a thread for that already. unfortunately
  10. Ok I misspelt cum. My bad.
  11. Don’t forget to vote today. Jerks!
  12. Awesome stuff AJ. We are seeing history made. Let’s hope that we can see some more postseason history as well. Mike Trout with 2-3 championship rings would make him even more special.
  13. Take some time tomorrow to vote for Tommy La Stella to start in the All Star game. voting starts at 9:00am
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