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Everything posted by Claude

  1. He’s rehabbing with Ellsbury. Check please!
  2. There are some people that would send Arte a thank you card if a ball killed their spouse.
  3. 99% of the people watching the games from their living room won’t give a shit either.
  4. Japanese Baseball takes fan safety pretty serious. https://youtu.be/ZyidtI-uNXw
  5. Exactly this. I sat in the first row down the left field line. A line drive was hit towards us. The guy next to me has his mitt in perfect position to catch the ball and some stupid idiot from the second row reaches over and tries to catch the ball with his baseball cap. It deflects off his cap and hit a kid 5 seats over. He got a fat lip but nothing serious. The guy next to me got into a shouting match with the cap idiot.
  6. But if by chance you attend a game with your child (not sure if you have any) or your spouse (again not sure if you have one) and God forbid that person is struck and killed by a foul ball, I’m pretty confident that you would most likely enter litigation immediately. I don’t think anyone in their right mind walks away from something like that with “Too bad, so sad” but it’s completely our fault for not paying attention.
  7. And those nets were added as the NHL fan safety policy’s evolved. I had Kings season tickets at the Forum years ago and there were no nets behind the goals. They had a plexiglass extension above the boards but it still wasn’t enough to deter pucks from getting in to the stands at a high rate of speed.
  8. or the ball barely missed them by hitting a railing, a seat or it was deflected by another fan. Maybe prior to every game fans of all ages should be required to sit in a chair inside a batting cage for 3 hours with loud noise, hot dogs, beach balls, soft drinks and yelling vendors while a 100+ mph pitching machine randomly launches balls at them for training purposes only. It would enhance safety awareness.
  9. He’s vacationing. I think it would be fun to have a tailgate party but somebody in socal has to take the lead. Chuck can only do so much from his location.
  10. Like everyone here we’ve all been to tons of games and we probably have all witnessed one or two a fans get injured at some point even if it’s minor. The one thing that we’ve all witnessed is the hundreds of near misses. Those are the fans that they’re trying to protect. The majority. Preventing an accident is a lot better than explaining how it happened.
  11. It’s because the fans haven’t adjusted to the new juiced up baseballs yet. They’re coming at them a lot quicker now.
  12. I’m actually looking forward to all of the new netting. The fans are way too distracted to pay attention to every pitch.
  13. And what the heck are these fences for? You would think that the players reaction time is a lot faster then the fans sitting 5 feet behind them.
  14. Someone remind me why the base coaches have to wear helmets again.
  15. All teams should do everything possible to protect the fans.
  16. I totally get your logic but what if Albert is somehow close to reaching an important personal milestone that he really wants to achieve. I just don't see how they could send him packing at that point.
  17. He's going to shock everybody when he passes Minnie Minoso.
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